thepilotsseat Aug 13, 2008 23:13
worried, taking charge even when outranked, srs business, times to be a leader, !whitefang
thepilotsseat Jul 13, 2008 22:53
i am a rock i am an island, i am a soldier, oz training put to use, worried, this will end in tears, might just crack, brb pretending to not be bothered, lol going crazy?, internally falling apart?, work harder now, soldiers do not lose composure, soldier mode = distant, bottling it up, work = no need to think, strain of being a soldier
thepilotsseat Jun 21, 2008 12:05
what is this feeling?, tyve is worried, kanan, wants her kanan bb nao, feeling a little depressed here, overthinking, get ahold of yourself tyve, why am i acting different, i am weak, worried, i didn't act like this back home, emotional walls up temporarily brb, i am not a soldier anymore, tyve is confused, damn you gods, soldier mode = distant, stop spazzing internally, am i truly a soldier, why am i useless?, confused soldier, shes being stupid slap her plz