(no subject)

Dec 03, 2005 12:20

First and Middle Name: Catlyn McHenry
Fav Nickname: Cate
Real Age: 17.
Age you act: 12, true story!!!
Thing you like most about yourself: umm my hair

Fav Kind of Music: COUNTRY!!!!!!!
Fav Artist at the moment: Keith Urban, and Hollywood Undead
Fav song at the moment: Scene For Dummies
Fav Movie: Deniss the Menace
Fav TV show: Laguna Beach


your perfect man? Taller than me older than me Cute not ugly dark hair tan nice body someone nice.
your perfect pizza? peperoni not a lot of sauce and mushrooms and cheese!
your perfect job? Hair Stylist
your perfect dream? im happy with who i am
your perfect weather? 80

Are you

an optimist/pessimist? optimist
virgin/non-virgin? Virgin!
smoker/non-smoker? smoker
for/against gay marriages? im for it.
democrat/republican? Democrat
happy/sad? Happy and Sad

What would you think if

Your best friend got pregnant? umm... id be there for her and take care of the baby
your brother/sister was gay/lesbian? it would think it was TIGHT!
your mom did drugs? thank you god now i dont have to deal with her.
you won the lottery? i would move far away
someone said you were beautiful? say thank you!
someone said fuck off to you that you don't know? wow i will prolly kill them in there sleep!

Love life

Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: Leeeeo<3 well right now we arent going out!
If So, Whats There Name:: ...Leo
If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: well we arent really going out buuut we met in July and Started going out in September
Do You Have a Crush::...
Do They Know:: ....


Best:: Danniel
Funniest:: Mandi
Tallest:: Jessica
Shortest:: Me.
Loudest:: Martini
Shyest:: Sandy
Smartest:: umm... jessica salas
Blondest:: Danniel
Craziest:: all of us
Nicest:: Jessica Salas
Sweetest:: Jessica Fender
Weirdest:: Me

In the last 48 hours

Went online?: yea
Yelled @ someone?, who?: Yes
Hugged someone?, who?: Yes
Kissed someone?, who?: Yes
Cuddled with someone?, who?: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants?, why?: no
cleaned your room?: no
Watched a movie?, what?: yea The Sweetest Thing
Watched tv?, what?: yea. real world thing
Cried?, why?: no
Drove down your street?, why?: no, i dont drive
Drove on the high way?, where?: yea... danniel took garry on the freeway 696


When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?: My face
How much cash do you have on you?: None
What's a word that rhymes with "SHOE"?: foo
Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?: My dad
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: Keith Anderson - pickin wild flowerds
Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing? Etnies
What were you doing at midnight last night?: watching tv
What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?: i love you.
What's a saying that you say a lot?: SHUT UP!
Who told you they loved you last?:Garry
Last furry thing you touched?: my dog
Your worst enemy?: everyone
What was the last thing you said to someone?laksd I DON KNO!
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?: MILLION BUCKS
Do you love/like someone?: yes
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