Look out! It's sunmotuwthfriaturday!!!!

Jul 02, 2004 23:09

Okay i guess i didnt realize it or something (the days of the week and calendar just kind of fall into a big blob when one is unemployed, a blob i have named Summotuwthfiratday!!) but tomorrow is july 4th!! Which means fireworks at old mountain field!! Everyone who is seeing this is invited to come hang out. I'm gonna get there at like 6 and procure a decent spot with pat. Im probably gonna keep towards the central part of the field kinda far back, like right in front of the basketball courts.
Everyone should totally come, you know it's gonna rule! (i mean, im gonna be there, so how could it not?) It's always a blast chilling out in the hot hot sun and seeing all the failures that live around us!! Getting hit in the head with nerf footballs and making fun of stupid people! So you'd better be there! I know where you live! And where Justin hides his money! (It's under the mattress)
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