Jul 02, 2004 01:17
Pretty fun past couple of days, i must say. Started last night with a GREAT baseball game, which the yankees won, of course. Was wandering around georgia's friend's list, as im apt to do to catch up on how people i know are doing. When i happened upon a gal she works with named dani bashing the yanks. So i set out with the intention of showing that poor girl the error of her ways by posting some, what i thought, very convincing arguments against those damn red sox. A few hours later and this entry in this gal's journal turned into 37 comments all concerning how much i and the Yankees suck. I love being a heel :P. Maaaaad fun, yo.
So we didnt play D&D tonight on account of hollis housesitting and forgetting to tell us. But we ended up having a pretty good night anyway. It was me, chuck, preston and pat and we went to blockbuster to try and rent a movie. Which, as you know was destined to happen if you've ever tried to rent a movie with me, turned into an hour long expedition to find ONE film i dont hate for one reason or another. I just can't ever leave a video store without something i know im gonna like, or ill be pissed. I mean, this is two hours of my life here folks! Why should i waste it on a sub-par movie? Maybe im just anal retentive or something but had i taken home some piece of crap like "Win A Date With Tad Hamilton" (preston's suggestion) or "You Got Served" (preston...AGAIN) id have hated myself in the morning. I wanted to rent "Slaves of the Realm". I had no idea what it was about but it starred Sable (hot WWE "wrestler") and a host of other scantily clad women tying each other up and giving each other playful spankings. But we ended up settling for "American Splendor". Which was simply incredible. If you haven't seen it go get it. NOW!! It's okay, i'll wait, go ahead...........
.......back? Okay, anyway it's a great movie starring the incredibly under-appreciated Paul Giamatti and he's just amazing.
So we spent the night watching this beautiful film, sitting around, reading comics and making jokes at one another's expense. Topped off when Preston suddenly sat up in his chair on the floor and started staring at the space between his legs, spread eagle. I asked "what's wrong with you? You have an accident?" which made chuck spray his mountain dew accross the room and laugh for a good ten minutes.
I really enjoyed tonight, it's good to sometimes be able to just sit around a room with a few of your closest friends and know, that no matter what else happens in life, that we'll always be there for one another. We don't need to fill the silent air with conversation, or assinine chatter. We've known each other too long to need that. It's just cool to look up from my copy of ultimate X men and see these guys, and to know who they are, i mean really know them. To know all of the past experiences you've had with these people. To know that you are real and very much alive, because these people sharing this time with you are the same, real and alive, is a wonderful thing. To appreciate life, one needs to be in the company of people you care about. We'll change the channels, go from Wyatt Earp, to sportscenter, to ren and stimpy. We'll pick up new comics when we finish the one's that came before. We'll make an occasional joke or talk about females. Sit here and accomplish nothing, a complete and total waste of time. But this is what life is made of. These perfect wastes of time filled with human interaction. I'm a very blessed person, and it's important that i remember that in these trying times.
Sports Center just showed highlights of the red sox game, concluding with them talking about Nomar possibly leaving which in turn caused chuck to scream "NOO MOOOAAAHH, NOMAAHHHH!!!!". So i guess it was my turn to spray whatever i was drinking accross the room. :) Life is good folks, life is good.
P.S. Just as i was about to post this something pretty funny happened:
CHUCK: Is it just me or is Kirstin Dunst wicked hot!
DOUG: Oh hell yes.
PAT: I don't know, i go both ways.
DOUG: Heh, heh, heh. You heard it here first chuck, pat goes both ways!
PAT: (glaring at me) I didn't mean it like that, i mean sometimes she looks really hot and sometimes she looks awful. Like i didn't think she was hot at all in Spiderman.
CHUCK: What??!!
DOUG: (Now keep in mind i know damn well what im talking about here, im just trying to gross these guys out) Yeah, but you know what she was wicked hot in? Interview with a Vampire!!
PAT: Oh, yeah! She looked sooo good in that!
Heh heh heh, so you heard it here first guys, pat's a pedophile!