Jun 09, 2004 10:19
Just like last year and the year before it and every freaking year before that my memorial day illness has been setting in over the past 7 days. In case you're wondering, due to some weird cosmic scheduling problem i never EVER get sick. Except for one week a year every year. The week after memorial day, and boy am i ever feeling it this week. Went to Slamtech on monday and just screwed up in the ring constantly. Couldn't concentrate. Couldn't call any spots. Just couldn't do anything right in general, and it SUCKED! Then last night i had to work with both of the new guys on the line one of which i like one of which i don't. Because he's lazy...very, verrrry lazy. So my week thus far has blown'd, but the rest of the week should be good. I'm heading back up to slamtech tonight and im determined to let my poor performance on monday be a freak accident. Or an annual happening (like my Memorial-plauge!!!). But twice in one week? That would really piss me off. It's very important that i start doing REALLY well now, because Bob wants me to start working NECW soon, and i want to be able to do that and not embarass the school. Or myself i guess. So no more days off from wrestling. No more days of missing the gym because "I'll get there tomorrow". No more days of not going to Slamtech because "practice is gonna suck and Final Fantasy XI is mad fun!!!". And not another day goes by that i dont watch a classic wrestling tape to try to learn from my predecessors (and steal the moves they worked so hard to invent). Here are the upcoming dates ill be working:
Thursday June 17- NECW (might have a match) Somerville, MA 7:00pm, $8
Saturday June 19- Slamtech Television (TV taping, public not invited)
Saturday June 19- Ringside Wrestling Plainfield, CT 7:00, FREE
Hey i just realized that the NECW show is gonna be in SOMERville, which is convenient because i work under the name Doug Summers! Oh, the promo possibilities are endless!!! ENDLESS!!!!! Well maybe not so endless.