Just stuff...

Dec 29, 2008 16:01

Saw Benjamin Button yesterday, and though the others with me liked it, I was bored silly. Movies using the "biography" format aren't really all that interesting to me, much less biographies about fictitious people... especially when there wasn't anything interesting about their life besides the gimmick.

Cool article in the NY Times about a house in Germany that requires very little energy to heat. Reminds me of an article I've read about a certain house design that keeps the interior naturally cool during the summer. Why do we need to have a global climate crisis for people to come up with stuff like this? One would think that paying next to nothing for heating and cooling would be incentive enough.

Speaking of global climate crisis, the recent cold spell our country experienced recently was enough for the deniers to proclaim in unison, "SEE! WHAT GLOBAL WARMING? IT'S FREAKING COLD OUTSIDE! IT SNOWED IN VEGAS!", thereby proving to the world how little they understand the issue, and making us wonder why these people still have their own shows on CNN.

I found it amusing that this morning's hiccup on our servers this morning made it on All That Chat. I feel so powerful. I singlehandedly saved the New York Theater industry!!! (by restarting SQL services) What did YOU do today? (Edit: I work at TDF)(Edit2: Whoops. Apparently the posts were from yesterday. But still, I fixed it today. LOL)
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