this sweet maddness, glory, and saddness

Aug 29, 2004 15:00

another life experiance gone, passed and learned.. life honestly is a bitch and then u die so deal with it.. i have a new attitude about life honestly i just don't give a shit.. cuz shit happends and then u HAVE to deal with it so why dwel on nething.. honestly u have like negative 2 seconds to recover from some pain in the ass thing and then another one comes,, it's just not worth it. we have been all living for 15 16 17 18 years and it has gone by so fast.. i said goodbye to my brother yesterday, it was like saying goodbye to a stranger i happend to know very well, i hated it and knowing my parents could care less that he left really hurt me.. last night should have been a perfect night that went very bad...o baby baby it's wild world i have so many songs just going through my head right now... i need my friends right now, there like a part of me, there my support system, and half of them are fighting, thats bullshit how can u find the time to fight, they might be gone tomorow and do u really want to lose a friend over something so minor, think of all the memories we all have together some of the best times of my life why would u want to throw away a future of more.. well i know im greedy so def. not.. ugh i miss so many people and i lost more then i gained this summer.. a boyfriend that i hoped things would last  but were just to differnt people living in two different worlds..that was devistating but times change and u have no choice but to conform and keep ur head up in the process.. hmm i need my buds right now.. thanks for waiting this long to show urself..  i wish him the best of luck in the future, i would say lets be friends but it's prolly best for u if i don't.. uhmm this is good for me builds my charecter and breaks down those walls i like to build.. i don't no why but i can't stop smilling i think im changing.. everything around me is going to shit but im not really being affected, thank god for music, girls>-- friends are gods way of apologizing to us for our familys.. so take as many as u can get cuz it's a big apology

I don’t have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I’m going is knowing where I’m coming from

I don’t want to be anything other than what I’ve been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I’m tired of looking ‘round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I’m supposed to be
I don’t want to be anything other than me

unlike a lot of people i am happy with this summer i will never forget nething.. i made way to many mistakes that i can't take back.. so i wont try.. i made friends lost the ones that weren't important enough to stick around.. got a boyfriend, said goodbye to him, im a only child, made changes,slept on more floors then my bed, fucked things up, made them better, ate a lot of brownie battered blizzards, drove a lot of cars, found myself and whats important, updated this dang thing like 2 times, sat on the computer, ate a lot of fast foods, nepolean dynomite is now my favorite movie, went to some concerts, to many partys and got myself in trouble.. lol, didn't diet at all this whole summer, wasted a LOT of minuets on my phone, and played tennis (very bad at it but still) stayed up about 80 percent of the night this whole summer, did a lot of growing up even if i wasn't ready yet, GOT LONDA THE HONDA ACORD.. still love my best friends to death and i had the privalage of watching them get more beautiuful by the day, and whats most important that makes all the bad things good and the good things even better, is that im happy with myself and what i have become.. i have flaws but im content with them at the moment.
there is only one thing.. and one thing only that i regret this summer.. and that is not using my taco bucks at taco bell that i got the last day of school from some hott ass <33
bring on the knew year im ready... bitches<333
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