Spring Break

Mar 08, 2005 21:06

Yes, You ain't dreamin'. I'm postin'.
I'm back home for Spring Break for the next 2 weeks, and so far, life has been good. It would be better if I didn't have mono though! Sleepyness, fever, sorethroat, and the fact that my suitemate has it are fo sho signs that I have mono. The weird thing is that I feel fine during the day, but I feel horrible at night. The bad thing is I've probably infected a lot of my friends by playing 3 games of beerpong the last night I was at Yale. (At least I beat this undefeated team with this cool guy I just met!)

So this has been a ridiculously productive break 1. because mono keeps me in my room and 2. because all my friends at ASU are still doing midterms. For CASPY (Chinese Adopted Siblings Program at Yale), I've emailed over 100 people to organize this event in April. Plus I'm learning how to use Adobe InDesign to make flyers and Dreamweaver to edit websites. Alright, enough of the boring stuff, here's a shout out to some of your more recent posts.

Aves: Good Luck with Midterms!!! I'm so glad mine are over.

Jake: Happy Women's Day!! What are we supposed to do for women's day anyways?

Sanjay: Play softball IMs and if you're not that good, tell em to suck it cause you're interning for McCain this summer.

Eric: Happy Birthday man!

Abe: I'm coming to GWU next year for ECAASU! Can't wait to be back in DC.

Clair: When are u coming home?

Okay, here's my view on the current Taiwan/China issue (be warned that I am biased ;) So I went to ITASA (Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association) 2 weekends ago. Last year, it was at Yale, and this year it was at Rutgers. I was less than impressed by the whole event, but I did meet some cool people and learn about Taiwan culture. It seems like Taiwan is becoming a very important flashpoint in Asia, especially as China becomes a superpower and wants to "reclaim" Taiwan. The one thing I like about the Bush administration is its willingness to stand up to China, at least so far. Earlier this year, the US and Japan issued a joint statement regarding a peaceful solution to the Taiwan issue as a common strategic objective. This is very important because it marks the first time Japan has formally referred to Taiwan as Taiwan instead of that ambiguous state next to China. The other really important event happened today; China is passing an anti-session law that basically gives it the right to invade Taiwan if it makes any move toward independence. As much as I'd love to see Taiwan as a recognized, independent nation, I don't think Taiwan will get it, even if it moves towards independence. It just won't get international recognition as China continues to hold so much power in the international community. Because of this, I'd rather not see Taiwan make any hasty moves towards independence in the near future. I mean it's already a defacto nation. If it tries to declare independence, I fear China will likely invade and brutally control the island. Considering that Taiwan will not be able to defeat China militarily, is this better than the status quo? This makes for an interesting trip to China when I go this summer to learn Chinese...

Till the next time I get bored enuf to post an entry,
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