What to do when you are bored v2

Jan 06, 2009 17:42

This one is by me. XD

Browse the internet for clothes
Laugh at Hollister's website
Laugh at Abercrombie's website
Talk to your dad about shoes
Make him buy you creepers
Name them Miku
Step on someone's converse with Miku
Say "Miku has owned your converse"
Skip away merrily
Repeat the process with someone else
Torture stuffed animals
Take the stuffed animals to a bridge
Hum the Funeral march when you hang them from the bridge with convenient pink ribbon
Laugh when a shark jumps out of the water and eats one
Scream "It's a whale!"
Classify the organisms within a 6x6 area
When you find little flowers, scream
Go home
Print out a picture of Emiru (from Aicle)
Kiss it romanticly
Scream when your mom walks in on you
Confess that you have a boyfriend
Show her the picture
Tell her that he's a nerd
Tell her that he sings about pi
Not care that she stopped listening
Print out a picture of Miku
Make the two pictures kiss each other romantically
Show your dad
Laugh when he looks disturbed
Buy a Gothic & Lolita bible
Show your dad Mana
Show your mom Mana
Show your pets Mana
Especially if they are fish
Your parents, I mean
Show Miku Mana
Show Miku Mana
Show Miku Mana
Wonder why you now have three Mikus in your life
Wait! Make that four (Hatsune Miku)
Show Miku Mana
Laugh when you realize nerds are in love with vocal software
Show the nerds THE REAL MIKU
Insist that they should love him more
Hit your friends on the head with the Gothic & Lolita Bible
Preach the Lolita Bible to everyone
Run around school screaming 'BONDAGE"
When they ask why say that it's a vocabulary word in CH. 6 this year
Make fun of Miku
Cry for being so mean to your shoes
Rub the scuffs off
Throw one Miku at Miku and the other Miku at Miku
Cry when your computer screen breaks
Cry when Miku gets sent to the hospital
Get chased by Alice
Cry when Alice beats you up for hurting Miku
Wonder why Alice is chasing you when she lives "across the pond"
Hide in the Rabbit Hole
Wave to Kana
Ask her if she likes Chocolat and Picnics
Show her Miku
Get chased by doctors
Hide behind Emilie Autumn
Hide behind someone you don't know
Hide behind somene you do know
Hide behind an inanimate object
Hide behind hide
Cry that only his bones are left
Put a pink wig on his skeleton
Get chased by police
Get chased by rabid hide fangirls
Get chase by a zombie
Laugh when you realize it's me
Get chased by Pixel
Return Miku to the hospital
Show him the list of pervy animes that are about hospitals
Ask him if he thinks there will be live action movies on them soon
Ask him if he wants to make a movie
Squee when he accepts
Hire Tom Cruise as an actor
Call him Louis
Call him a faker
Show him Mana
Tell him it's a man
Laugh when he dies
Dance on his grave
Hire Brad Pitt as an actor
Hire Aoi
Hire Aoi
Scream " ANGERRRIIIINNAA" in a trio
Hug the Aoi of your choice
Fire them both
Draw Brad Pitt's face of disbelief and amusement
Fire him
Tell everyone he smells bad
Laugh when Angelina smacks him
Laugh when his kids smack him
Make Miku a Get Well card
Wonder why Paper Miku isn't a part of this
Make paper Miku kiss real Miku romantically
Film it
Send it to Hollywood
Laugh when it becomes a real film
Cry when it gets a 69% on Rotten Tomatoes
Laugh when you realize the significance of the number
Get sued by the company who made the pervy anime in the first place
Hire Brad Pitt as a lawyer
Laugh when you both lose and become hobos
Hit him on the head with the Lolita Bible
Say " You have been blessed by the Loli-Gods"
Run away from your hobo-camp
Trip and hurt yourself
End up in the same hospital room as Miku
Cry tears of happiness that you have been reunited with your shoes
Buy a pet mouse
Name it Kanon
Put it in your creepers
Run back to your hobo-camp screaming "KANON IS INSIDE MIKU"
Get chased by Alice
Get chased by Aoi
Get a skeptical look from Kana
Die when you realize that Tom Cruise was buried next to hide
Light Tom Cruise's coffin on fire
Chant "You're not worthy!"
Play piano violently
Cut off your hair
Throw a fit when it grows back
Get chased by a pizza
Make Mouse-Kanon eat it
Cry when he dies of obesity
Get a part-time job
Rub a kitten with a mitten
Tell everyone that it's smitten with teh mitten
Cry when the kitten scratches you
Wonder how it scratched you when you are actually dead
RickRoll everyone
Live Happily Ever After with hide and Elvis

The End

lists, fugu fish, silly, evil, random

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