What To Do When You Are Bored- by nekogirl8000 on Deviant art.
It's a long, long list.
Reread The Alchemist.
Draw a realistic-looking picture of Paolo Coelho.
Draw a realistic-looking picture of Kyoya.
Draw a realistic-looking picture of Miku.
Immediately realize how much you suck at realism and rip the paper into little pieces, apologizing to Miku multiple times.
Make a Happy Birthday card for Bou. (Or any other person who's birthday happens to be near.)
Find a picture of Hannah Montana online.
Draw a mustache on it.
Draw a mustache on the mustache.
Draw a mustache on that mustache.
Give her a unibrow.
Make the unibrow thicker.
Try to sing like Miku.
Learn how to play the drums.
Go into the middle of the street and scream: "Kyoya is on your ceiling!!"
Draw a realistic-looking self-portrait.
Make a tower of quarters.
Write a story on a pudding named Joel.
Call a random phone number.
Say your name is Megan.
Say you are their long lost little sister.
Say you like to play soccer.
Then hang up.
Attempt to create a battery from an eraser and an empty bottle of glue.
Type "Yorkie-kun-sama-sama-puun-chan-cupcakes" into Google.
Cry when nothing comes up.
When your parents ask you why you're crying, tell them Kyoya kicked you.
When they insist that you're too old to have imaginary friends, show them your realistic-looking picture of Kyoya.
Decorate your printer with spots.
Put "Speed Master" by Gackt on repeat.
Listen it for three hours nonstop.
The next time you hear it, run screaming into your room and lock the door.
Read crappy lists on what to do when you're bored.
Give me pageviews.
Design a shirt.
Listen to the song you hate most on repeat.
Time yourself to see how long you can stand it.
Bake a pie.
Burn it on purpose.
Burn a pot.
Take a picture of yourself doing it.
Photoshop it and replace yourself with your realistic-looking picture of Kyoya.
When your parents get mad at you for burning the pot, tell them Kyoya did it.
When they give you a big lecture on not blaming other people for what you did, show them the photoshopped picture.
Tell them they should go to time-out for lying.
Run away from home for three seconds.
Take a three hour walk in the rain.
Take a three hour walk in the sun.
Take a three hour walk in the snow.
Redecorate your room.
Draw a mustache on yourself with permanent marker.
Cry when it doesn't come off.
When your parents ask what's wrong, tell them Kyoya drew a mustache on your face.
Make fun of L'Arc en Ciel.
Make fun of Reita.
Make fun of anything possible.
Poke yourself.
Poke your realistic-looking picture of Paolo Coelho.
Read a baby book.
Write an email to someone you don't know.
Tell them that you're sorry.
Say your name is Pablito.
When they respond, saying they don't know you, say you're sorry again.
Tell them they're rude for not telling you "It's okay".
Draw a picture of a peacock.
Make fun of your pinky.
Shun Hatsune Miku for stealing Miku's name.
Watch One Piece.
Watch Mermaid Melody.
Watch any anime dubbed.
Laugh over the english voices.
Go to the beach with your parents.
Tell them Kyoya's in the sand.
Make a sandcastle.
Name it.
Pretend the transvestite on the street is Kyoya.
Get mentally scarred for life.
Get stung by a bee.
Name the welt "Charlie".
Put 100+ hair clips in your hair.
Try to paint Yorkie-kun's nails.
Try to paint Kyoya's nails.
Crash into your wall while trying to hug your An Cafe poster.
Draw mustaches on all the pictures in your books.
Design a pair of scissors.
Reread Ouran High School Host Club.
Squeal at every picture of Kyoya.
Poke your An Cafe poster.
Wonder why your room is so messy.
Pretend to clean it.
Try to learn Japanese online.
Try to learn Spanish online.
Try to learn German online.
Try to learn French online.
Try to learn English online.
Wonder why learning English was so easy.
Draw a picture of a girl with a waterfall on her head.
Draw the same picture with your left hand.
Write a story with your nose.
Learn the tango.
Teach it to Yorkie-kun.
Tell him his fingernails would be much prettier if they were blue.
When he refuses, start crying.
Threaten to tell the principal of the school he kicked you if he doesn't let you paint his nails.
Learn to walk on your hands.
Go to a bar, even though you're underage.
Read the newspaper.
Repaint your room with markers.
Take the pieces of your realistic-looking Miku picture out of the trash.
Tape them onto random places in your room.
Go onto random An Cafe videos on YouTube and browse through the comments.
Get into long fights with AnCafeSucks.
Attempt to shoot AnCafeSucks.
Tape your fingers together.
Draw a picture of cake.
Make it ugly on purpose.
Put band-aids on your elbows.
Cosplay as Sasuke with fairy wings.
Comment on a picture of Sasuke on DA and pretend you're a rabid Sasuke fangirl.
Say you want to marry him and do bad things to him.
Listen to the song "Gold Digger" on repeat.
When your parents ask what's wrong, tell them Kyoya ate your piece of cake.
When they point out that you weren't eating cake, show them your picture.
When they ask what it is, tell them that all great artists are misunderstood.
Tell your teacher that you want to be a male stripper when you grow up.
Even if you're a girl.
Especially if you're a girl.
Bite your cat's ear.
Go swimming.
Go snorkeling.
Go fishing.
Become vegetarian.
Wonder why you have 64 An Cafe songs on your iPod.
Reminiscence about the good old days.
Wonder what the good old days are.
Count how many things to do when you're bored these are.
Attempt to growl like Miku.
Attempt to growl like Kanon.
Try to find An Cafe fanfiction online.
Get mad when you can only find Tokio Hotel fanfics.
High-five Kyoya.
Wonder when I'm going to finish this.
Drive your parents crazy by singing your favorite song (which they hate) over and over again.
When they tell you to knock it off, tell them they shouldn't make fun of people just because they're different.
Tell them love is what makes the world go 'round.
Try to cultivate a venus fly trap.
Write a crappy series of stories about a girl named Chooni.
Wonder what kind of name Chooni is.
Go to Hot Topic with five dollars.
Get depressed when you can't buy any cute shirts.
Wonder why you didn't bring more money.
Remember it was because I told you not to.
Take a belly dancing class.
Make a stuffed animal.
Make a stuffed Miku.
Make a stuffed Paolo Coelho.
Attempt to kill yourself with the items on your desk.
If you fail, cry.
When your parents ask you why you're crying, say Kyoya wants to go to Wendy's, but he can't, because he's on the Adkins diet.
If you succeed, try to revive yourself.
When you fail, cry.
When your >>insert dead relative here<< asks you why you're crying, say Kyoya wants to go to Wendy's, but he can't, since you're dead.
Make them revive you "for the good of the commonwealth people".
Look up what commonwealth means.
Try to brake the world record for the longest braid.
Try to brake the world record for most alcohol drunk in one sitting.
If you're underage, try to brake the world record for most alcohol drunk in two sittings.
Write a three-page essay on the meaning of life.
Think of all the words you can that have the letters "K" "L" and "A".
Think of all the proper nouns you can that have the letters "K" "Y" "O" and "A".
Translate this sentence into Russian.
Run for president.
Become a ninja.
Ruin your eyesight.
If there's snow outside, write your name in it.
If there's no snow outside, go somewhere where there is snow and write your name in it.
Look for yellow snow.
Look for brown snow.
Look for green snow.
Look for purple snow.
When you can't find any, cry.
When your parents ask you why you're crying, tell them Kyoya was teasing you.
When they sigh, shake their heads, and walk away, start singing.
Propose to your next-door neighbor.
Propose to your best friend's sibling.
Propose to Kyoya.
Remark on how kind and caring he was while rejecting you.
Propose to a bench.
Propose to Jillian.
If you don't know who Jillian is, sucks to be you.
Pickle mounds of cucumbers.
Slow your talking speed down by 73%.
Dress up as a viking.
Try to recreate the wheel.
Put a copyright on the word "Kajinkajuu".
Put a copyright on the word "Kajinkaju".
Put a copyright on the word "Kajinkajoo".
Bribe someone to put all three in the dictionary.
When they ask you what it means, laugh and say: "Duh, isn't it obvious?"
Tell your parents you want to go to Pangea.
When they point out that it doesn't exist anymore, cry.
When they call you a crybaby, shoot them.
Cry because you don't have any parents anymore.
Ask Miku to adopt you.
Ask Miku to rape you.
When he says it's not rape if you ask him, cry.
Eat glue.
Buy a camera.
Become a famous paparazzi.
When you get interviewed for the "People" magazine, tell them it was due to a stroke of luck and Kyoya.
Show them your realistic picture of Kyoya.
Tell them he's your brother.
When they don't believe you, ask if it's so wrong to just want a few pancakes.
Tell them they shouldn't make fun of those less fortunate than they are.
Cosplay as the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
Sing a song about roast turkey.
Roast a turkey.
Learn how to count to 100 in Taiwanese.
Move to South Africa.
Make friends with a camel.
Name him Juanito.
Laugh when you find out that Juanito is the name of a guy in Paris.
Enter "Kyoya" into the dictionary.
Enter "Yaoi" into the dictionary.
Enter "Wool" into the dictionary.
Cry when you find out it already exists.
When your parents ask why you are crying, point out that they are dead.
Listen to Dir en Grey.
Laugh at Kyo's age.
Call Gackt an old man.
Listen to Speed Master on repeat for another few hours.
Read Twilight.
Buy a poster of Edward.
Draw a mustache on him.
Draw a mustache on the mustache.
Draw a mustache on his eyebrows.
Remark on how "sexy" he looks now.
Tell your friends you like middle-aged men.
Especially if you are a ten-year-old boy.
Especially if your name is Robby.
Make your family tree.
Elope with Miku to the mountains.
Molest Kai.
Stalk a sixth-grader named Rodrigo.
Ask him for a dollar.
Laugh when he asks who you are.
Ask him to take his shirt off.
When he runs away screaming, call him a rapist.
Do a jig on the table.
Rename all your stuffed animals.
Clean up your room.
Squeal when you find your old realistic-looking portrait of Paolo Coelho.
Find Paolo Coelho's Facebook page.
Tell him you're his biggest fan and that you want to marry him.
Wonder why you have a three-eyed smily face on your desk.
Find someone who looks just like Kyoya.
Tell him you know his sister and that she is just the sweetest little pumpkin ever.
If he doesn't have a sister, tell him that it must have been his brother.
If he doesn't have a brother either, tell him that it must have been him.
Show off your tangoing skills.
Bite his shoulder.
Introduce him to Rodrigo.
Mentally scar everyone you meet.
Watch Moon Child.
Notice the Facelickers.
Cry when Toshi dies.
Cry when Sho dies.
Call Sho Gackt.
Whenever somebody mentions vampires, think about Kei and squeal.
Be jealous of Sho's wife.
Say that you're a much better choice for Gackt.
Say that Sho and Kei should get married.
Realize that they're both dead.
Revive your parents because you realize death is a horrible thing.
When they ask why you're crying, tell them Kyoya ate your chocolate fondue.
Ask Rodrigo if you can borrow his pencil.
When he asks why, tell them you need to illustrate a very important point to him.
Then steal it and throw it away.
Realize that Toshi's death really was the saddest, because he got Facelicked, raped, and then shot.
Wonder what Sho's wife's name was anyway...
Shoot the midterms.
Draw India.
Sing a song.
Draw a pickle picture.
Write an An Cafe fanfic.
Listen to Scotty Vanity.
Tell the gay yorkie in your grade to let you paint his nails.
Introduce yourself.
Confess your love to Rodrigo.
Be sure to make it romantic and sentimental.
Then slap him and tell him he's sex-crazed.
Draw L in a maid dress.
Draw a fish.
Mentally scar yourself.
Listen to Pink Killer.
Remind Kyo that it's only a song and that he shouldn't kill himself.
Draw a realistic-looking picture of a pumpkin with a mustache.
Go up to a random person you've never talked to before and say "Starfish".
Run away crying.
When they catch up to you and ask why you're crying, tell them that they're a murderer.
Show them the realistic-looking picture of the pumpkin.
Refuse to talk to them anymore and hide in the lost-and-found.
Cry over hide's death even though you don't like X-Japan.
Wonder why random people are growling at you and biting your ankle.
Step on them.
Introduce them to Rodrigo.
Tell Rodrigo that he should stop raping mushrooms and that he's going to get a STD.
Come up with a "useful trick" to help your friend stop liking his ex-girlfriend.
End up mentally scarring him.
Laugh every time you see someone's forehead.
When people ask why you're laughing, tell them to get "The Surgery" on their forehead.
Tell them it's a turn-off.
Make fun of people.
Write an essay on Kyoya.
Bake pumpkin pie with your parents.
When it's done and they're eating it, cry and call them murderers.
When they ask why they're murderers, show them your realistic-looking picture of Paolo Coelho.
Ask them if they know him.
If they don't, cry more.
Take a picture of yourself.
Read Fruits Basket.
Cry when you find out Akito's a girl.
Insist that you "really loved" her.
Force Yorkie-kun to go to a strip club.
After he's drunk, paint his nails and make him wear a miniskirt.
Take a picture of him.
The next day, show the picture to him and threaten to send it to everyone he knows, including his crush and his mom, if he doesn't ask Rodrigo to passionately make love with him in a rowboat.
When Rodrigo agrees, laugh.
Brush your hair.
Go skydiving.
Sell your realistic-looking picture of a cake on eBay.
Sell your realistic-looking picture of a pumpkin on eBay.
When you only get $5 for both of them combined, cry.
When your parents ask you why you're crying, tell them you don't like to be alone.
Tell them that Kyoya has returned to his kingdom in the clouds and is now fasting.
Ask if you can go to Mexico.
When they say no, cry.
Make mice out of clay.
Make Reita out of clay.
Make Yorkie-kun out of clay.
Give Yorkie-kun to Rodrigo.
Call him "Rod, the man."
Then point and laugh at him.
Give Yorkie-kun a Yorkie-kun Jr. for Christmas.
Eat dumplings.
Call it quits.
Lie about calling it quits and continue.
Get on somebody's nerves.
Bounce on them.
Do a double backflip on them.
When you break your neck, sue them.
Insist that their nerves were too hard, too stiff, and too breakable.
Tell the judge that is a safety hazard.
Draw a realistic-looking picture of a balloon.
Put Reita on the balloon.
Pop the balloon.
Squeal when Superman flies out of nowhere and saves Reita from certain death.
Squeal even more when it turns out that the Superman is Ruki.
Force Ruki to sing.
Marry Yomi.
Read a Chinese book.
Insist that it is talking about the goodness of Kyoya.
Make an An Cafe salad.
Marry a garbanzo bean.
Draw a picture of a Canadian Duck.
Reread Twilight.
Burn every page that mentions Edward's name.
Wonder why there are no pages left.
Buy a pet pig.
Name it Inousuke.
Find a picture of a Brontosaurus.
Find a picture of Shinya.
Get Hyde's tattoo.
Wonder who Ruiza is.
Cook a carrot.
Cook a corn cob.
Put them next to each other.
Pour salad dressing on them.
Laugh more.
Eat the carrot.
Shun the corn.
Shun the cauliflower.
Insist that the cauliflower is a duck.
Glomp Takuya.
Squeal when you realize he's still young enough for you to marry.
Make curry.
Be sure to include spinach.
Throw the curry away.
When your parents get mad at you for wasting food, tell them Kyoya did it.
When they confine you to a hotel room, shave your dog's head.
Even if you don't have a dog.
Especially if you don't have a dog.
Buy a dog.
Name him Toshiya.
Try to make him wear a skirt.
Draw a picture of a reindeer.
Insist that Gackt is hot.
When nobody disagrees with you, poke Rodrigo.
Ask him if he bought your picture of a pumpkin.
When he says no, show him a picture of Kyo.
Tell him that Kyo is 32 and writes poetry.
Tell him that if he tries hard, he can be just like Kyo.
Tell him that many girls like Kyo.
Cook him curry.
Make it really spicy.
When it kills him, laugh.
Go to the Alps.
Wear a bikini.
Especially if you are a guy.
Especially if your name is Robby or Yorkie-kun.
Be freezing.
Wonder why Miku isn't waiting for you with a sweater.
Imagine you're wearing Miku's sweater.
Then freeze to death.
The End.
I want to make one now. XD