Apr 02, 2009 20:44
Life has been complicated and I'm really quite tired and quite worried and sometimes it isn't alright because things just keep weighing on your heart as though you've got a mountain of issues when they're in fact not a mountain but really, nothing more than our dear little Mt. Faber. Relatively speaking, especially since I just came back from Ophir, that is a very small mound indeed. Still, I need to cling onto God more than ever and try my darnedest to keep Him the focus of everything. Arghhh once again, to add on to the 11343245 other cliches the story of my life appears to be unfortunately based upon, it is EASIER SAID THAN DONE. This calls for the 11343246th cliche: Keep trying; never give up.
Anyway, I love my class! They're an ever-present source of comic relief and peace/comfort and for that, I'm thankful. :)
Take care, everyone! <3
don't want to be an april fool,
love 10a13a,
jiayou for syf cdancers