Sep 20, 2006 22:15
I am a fuzzy person as you all know. Physically at least you know. As of late I've been rather mentally fuzzy as well. The joys of preparing for the holiday season (still got a desparate call out for TENORS - anyone? anyone?), trying to translate 10 year old and actually see Bruce once in a while swirl around in my brain daily. Lately I've been fuzzier than usual. I seem to have a very hard time focusing on my tasks. I know what they are thanks to the notes I leave all over the house but I'm doing things very remotely. The same fuzziness is affecting me while I try to write this in fact. I guess I will continue to hope for some clarity and wind my way through the fog. If you want to look up an interesting new word I reccomend dyspraxia. Glen has dyspraxia and has been in OT for several months now trying to teach his brain how to speak to his muscles. It can be trying sometimes to watch but the improvments are wonderful. He is turning in to a young man and I am having a hard time backing off from my Mom duties. Oh well. Bruce is still repeating his mantra (I love my job, stress is my friend, sleep is for wimps) and has decided to let Maxim continue to rent him for a while. I really am babbleling tonight. Thanks for listening.