Does this blitz your friend page, or WHAT?!

Dec 17, 2007 06:57

Here it is the day before finals, and has there been sleep? nope, but the sun came up, and it was a beautiful thing to witness, so I didn't/don't mind.


I feel like I just caught up with a bunch of you, most of whom I haven't talked to for at least 3 weeks (aim or otherwise), really more like when from when I left for school.  It was weird to be reading all of my friend's page, knowing that that wasn't all the time, and to catch up that way.  I guess I'll respond to what I read in this entry, as I don't have much in the way of ranting, and can only catch you all up in my business later.

Audrey:  I'm sorry that the bullshit at Wendy's has continued.  It doesn't seem right, really, that closing should be such a bitch, and that the communication between the staff as a whole is near non-existent.  Not much good will/can stem from it (if it's any consolation, the Wendy's up here got absolutely buried in snow with each and every storm).  It was a happier moment when I read the second post of your worst day ever, I'm glad that you've got someone who can give you the support and happiness that can cause such a change.  As far as the college apps go?  I know I knew they were daunting whenever I got to sit one-on-one with those things.  There's a lot of info there, a lot of info to put in ink, and just a lot of paper and time spent on the internet.  I can only say that maybe having someone there to work with you through the whole process, compiling the needed materials and information, so that it just happens and gets done, because while it's a new and rightfully feared-at-first thing, it is also something great, and a big accomplishment in life.

Blake:  I know we haven't been in too much contact, I'm sorry for starving you of my company ;-)  Life grabs you, ya know?  I can definitely understand the want for there to be some kind of middle ground between the meaningful solitude and the meaningless partying.  I think that people just get grabbed by the thought of partying and it can become, near to or close to or akin, to a drug.  People just get used to it, sorry to say that I'm nearing being one of them (I'm working on containing the habit).  It got my noggin' thinking though.  I can't imagine that you are the only person fed up with the drunken revelry that people search out every weekend.  I'd say that you should call the mothership, so to speak.  You can always try to meet a girl at one of those parties, and there's a chance that she doesn't want to be there almost, or near to as much as you don't want to be getting blitzed.

Chris:  Ah man!  Panera is still the asskicker, and I'm really sorry that it's still a thorn in your life.  The blow up must have been therapeutic though :D  It's cool that you're learning more dances, I'll admit, I'd like to have some kind of rudimentary knowledge in some kind of formalized dance, so it's really cool that you are pursuing that.  I don't know much about my daemon, as I'm out of the loop about that, but my patronus would probably be a wolf.

Travis:  Your entries have changed remarkably.  You are indeed more decisive and more in control.  And the reasons would indicate that that would happen.  I have my feelings about the black, we both know this, and still seem to agree on friendship regardless.  I'll only ask that, if it is a shell of black, do let some light in once and a while.  Barriers and walls tend to collect debris too.  I think it's cool that you found that book of the reverse zodiac signs, and it's always a fun time when the things that they say are so fitting to the reader.  It's always good for your evolution when you come to some realization about yourself, good or bad.


A little catch up on me.  The school year has been an interesting one, definitely interesting.  I began band camp like all other bandies, a week before school actually started.  They use poker chips here, like breadcrumbs, to mark where you are going and where you have been on the field.  It works quite well.  I started to get to know people soon after, I helped put in my time to the drumline, on which I was assigned bass.  I originally looked down on the position, but with the snare line that existed, that wouldn't have been a good place for me at all.  They do not play for the music, they play for themselves.  It seems a general, and harsh statement, but for some exceptions, it's very true.  After practices, I would help pack up the trailer, which transported the equipment that we used on the field back to 1944 hall, our music building.  That usually left me as one of the last people to leave, but it didn't matter, because it needed to be done.  However.  There were other people who shared that sentiment, and shared it strongly.  Only later I realized that they were all part of the brotherhood of KKPsi.  Which I won't talk about until next paragraph, or the one after.

My classes have been alright this semester.  Two of them, I could not comprehend as to why they were so incredibly stupidly taught.  Those would be math and french.  French was the hard subject, Math I'm just dumb at, no surprise there, thank you Doctor Cohen.  Speaking of the guy.  It took this year, and this class to really appreciate what he and the other teachers did for me back in high school.  They really taught, and that's saying a lot, when compared to those two teachers in the subjects previously mentioned.  My French teacher is a returning student looking for her graduate degree in something like history, but the problem is, is that she knows French, and so feels that she can teach it.  Trust me, this is not the case, and I'm glad that I already had rudimentary knowledge.  All I really need for my French to improve now, is to use it, not recover everything again.  We went through the textbook this year, and the class was useless, as we would read from the book..  My only issue with the math course was that it was at 8 in the morning.  Eight!  I ask you, why would I go to a class that early in the morning when I can read and, for the most part (due to Doctor Cohen's classes) understand, what was covered?  So I've got a forty percentage for the absence tally that the professor keeps.  Which is fifteen percent of the total, which wouldn't bother if it weren't for the fact that I, yet again in life, blew off the homework (and got the class average of a D+/C on two of the semesters exams).

On a happier note, I think I've found my major.  It seems to incorporate what I like to do, with what the world can get.  The paperwork goes in on february first that my major change to International Studies.  Who knows, I may change it, I may not.  But I want to get out there, I want to see the things I hear about, I want to live in the places of history, and I want to submerge into the culture.  This is how I learn, submersion.

Kappa Kappa Psi.  National honorary musical fraternity in service to the college and university bands.  The Frat for Band geeks.  Almost all of my friends here are associated with either them, or the sister sorority of Tau Beta Sigma, so it seemed fitting to both rush, and accept my bid when it came down the Path.  As a membership candidate, I don't remember/know what I'm able to talk about, and what I can't, so I'm not going to talk about what I see, and what I experience.  Just rest assured that even with the school publicly denouncing hazing and Public Safety keeping a vigilant eye on it, the Fraternity also has a national anti-hazing policy from both the national level and the local chapter.  Cool Fact: In Drumline, the fraternity that Devon (Nick Cannon) joins, is KKPsi.  I'm glad to have my two big's, my big brother, Greg, and my big sister from TBS, Maggie.  I owe them a lot, just through the guidance that they've offered, the social openings that being around them has brought on, and the fact that if I didn't spend the time that I do with them, I'd be a very fat, very lazy, rather friendless (here) kid.

I was given a great gift this year, and that was being put into temporary housing away from the freshman dorms, and freshman living.  I was placed in Hancock, a hall very removed from the freshman area of campus, but what isn't, here.  Add to that, my dorm room came with a private bathroom, and a good roommate.  The bathroom is honestly what I'm going to miss the most about this room, and it will be a sorely missed gift.  My roommate, John, is a cool guy to boot.  He and I get along fine, and he seems to handle whatever shit I pull, like coming in late, or smashed (I'm getting to it!).  He takes it, and is one of those surprising people that can sleep with the light on or off, or if I'm puttering about the room or bathroom just making living noises.  We, neither of us, give a shit what's on what side, who's side, this/that side, of the room, we're both mature enough not to have sides, as that's ridiculous.  Perfect example is the way we have our setup.  His bed is against the far wall, my desk is pretty much at it's foot, my bed is then parallel with his and about 3-4 feet away, and his desk is pretty much at the foot of my bed.  We just don't care that bad.  He's also in ROTC so his scheduled mindset seemed to bleed into my life a little.  His getting up in the morning was near as effective as my alarm clock, and far more inspiring.

Coming here was a Godsent gift, it truly was.  I knew no one when I came here, and surprisingly enough, that got me more out of my shell than having a group of people that I already knew coming in, being here, as the case would have been with UNH.  Not only was I able to discover some things about myself, the seasons are like I remember when I was a kid.  The foliage is just magnificent and the snow cover is so amazingly deep, and good quality stuff too.  OK, I lied, I knew one other person here, Michelle Figg.  An amusing fact about that.  She and I are the only people to ever come to the University of Maine from Bow, and the both of us pledged KKPsi.  She got in, hopefully I will too.  So the entire population that the UMaine system has known from Bow, has pledged to KKPsi, which just tickles me to no end.  Speaking of which, Steve Cmar was looking at coming here, but I haven't heard from him.  I'm looking forward to giving him a tour of this place.

A final note.  I did take part in drinking this year.  It happened, I liked it, we're moving on.  I don't like beer, I'm not a huge fan of many wines, but I definitely have my family's genetic hankering for the hard-stuff.  Most recent experience was with cherry Koolaid vodka, more commonly known as Robitussin.  Now the formula's out.  I don't recommend that shit at all, it tastes terrible, but if you've been mixing a drink for a whole half an hour (or what feels like it once you're hammered), you're gonna drink it and not give a care about the taste.  Grape, however, comes highly recommended.  Though it was Like Robitussin, it did not have the effect on my bronchitis that it would have, had it been actual Robitussin.  I caught bronchitis again this year, don't know if that would be noticed, so i said it again.  I really hope that what I have isn't chronic, but I did go to the doctor here, and got some prescription medicines.  More Codeine, YAY!  But, the storm just hit us (dropped a nice amount of powder too :), the one that buried the Wendy's and closed every food place within safe driving distance, so I haven't actually gone to pick up my filled prescription.  Hence my current insomnia

I look forward to seeing everyone over break. PEace Out!
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