Life and ramblings on Brigadoon

May 18, 2003 04:20

What Dragon-Half Character Are You?


What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results)
brought to you by Quizilla

It was only a matter of time before I stumbled onto Japanese Spirited Away fanart. I can never find that kind of thing by just searching; it's always hidden somewhere, on some obscure page. But I have found it, and it is good ^_^ I've only been through one whole site, and that's why I'm up so late. Not too necessarily a bad thing, though.

Friday's theology exam was all right, though I completely forgot what Apollinarius said about the personhood of Christ, so I left him out of my essay. Hopefully my other examples will make up for that. Almost all the multiple choice was completely guessing, though -_-. I'm alright when it comes to concepts, but names and dates trip me up, I guess. Then again, when I studied, I was worrying more about the essays, so I focused on that stuff.

Today's Biology exam would have gone better if I didn't have to go to work right before it. Somehow in the course of replacing chocolate chip cookies (which literally flew off the shelf. It was insane. Then when they were gone, everyone wanted ice cream! No rest for the dessert server...), I ended up forgetting all the names of the hormones. But I think I covered enough of everything else to make up for that.

Now my only exam is Japanese, and I know I'll do all right on that. Right now (well, not literally right now), my biggest concern is packing up all my stuff @_@
I also rented Brigadoon today, and watched 3 of the 5 eps while doing laundry, two dubbed, one subbed. Basic story: For some reason, a girl named Marin has been targeted by these alien-robot things (Makimono, I think), and now they're trying to destroy her. Luckily, she has her Makimono, Melan Blue, a living weapon that eats a lot, when given the opportunity (but in a serious way). I'm already lovin' Melan Blue ^_^ For a bio-mecha, he's pretty sexy, both dubbed and Japanese. The rest of the dub is passable, though I'm getting tired of Wendee Lee, who voices two characters, maybe more. Shouldn't she retire, or something? Also, Tuff's VA is in it, but isn't listed in the credits >_< He's one of the VA mysteries, after Dedede, Escargoon, and Tiff (who has been solved). Maybe later episodes will have the answer, if that character gets a bigger part.
Feelings on the show in general: Fewer robot-alien-things after Marin, more Melan interaction. He makes me think of Edward Scissorhands, the way his hands are guns (or maybe one is a gun and the other is a sword. Either way, he doesn't have hands, per se). Unlike Edward, though, he has little tentacle things that shoot out of his torso when he needs to do something that requires hands, like carrying Marin out of harm's way, eating rice, or reading the newspaper. Melan Blue rocks ^_~
There's a character who's supposed to be an American, and he has a few humorous Engrish lines:
It's a weird show, I have to admit that. It's a comedy, but it's serious, but it's also a mystery. I don't know what it is, but I like it.

food, school, work, japanese, media thoughts, anime

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