This one is entirely Shipwar's fault. My entry from this week. It's...cracktastic. Mostly in a good way.
Title: One Week
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: PG
All clips from The Cage, Music is One Week by Barenaked Ladies
Characters/pairings: Pike/Number One
You can watch this video on
One Week from
theoreticalpixy on
Downloadable here in case because I'm paranoid about this one getting yanked(youtube hates it): The Pike vid I mentioned is coming along rather quickly, I have a solid rough. It's...interesting. And slightly angsty.
In other news I am too busy reading this week's shipwars entries to function, I think I just aced my Science of the Mind test, and I finally started reading
Switch, aaaaaand Twatlympics is in full swing. Oh man. Tomorrow there is girly dayness with
artemekiia, and
supertablebunny and I am VERY EXCITED.
Also I need sleep. And an internship. fml.