Red Sky at Morning

Nov 09, 2007 14:35

So, I don't think I have too much to say about this one. Which probably means I will end up rambling on forever.

Hi, wet!Sam! I haven't seen you since, um, Playthings? Anyway, I'm glad you came back for a visit, I missed you. ♥ And this time you were latin-reading!wet!Sam, even! GOOD CALL, SHOW, GOOD CALL.

Also, dude, that ship just looked cool. I wasn't so fond of the death effects this time around (ahahaha, apparently I just like the ones with blood), but when the two ghosts did that 'balancing each other out and thus negating each other' thing like from the pilot at the end? AWESOMECAKES. Once again, special effects team, I am loving half of what you do and really not digging the other half. I am going to judge you by the parts I like, for I am a fangirl, and squee is my language. So. Ship! Lightning! Disappearing! Ghosts exploding into water splashes! Yayayay!

The conversations at the beginning and end were cool, I like how the show is kind of getting in to this 'mytharc episode bookends' habit. And dude, I was so right that Sam shot the bitch because she questioned his Dean-love. "She was a smart ass." Oh Sam, I could not love you more. *makes squeaky joy noises* Although I wonder how Dean, and his paranoia about not!100%!Sam, is going to take Sam killing stuff because it got smart with him. Hmm.

The conversation at the end was also interesting. Commendations to Jared on his facial expression after Dean said "If the situation was reversed I guess I'd have done the same thing." Understatement of the century, much? And Jared got the incredulous!face just right IMO.
I do have to point out: Sam, if you want Dean to talk to you about his feelings you should maybe try not bitching him out for them afterwards. I mean, I know his feelings are a load of bullshit, but do you really expect them not to be from someone as messed up as Dean? And he was really not a happy boy when you tried to mess with his denial.
I mean, what I got from his "I think maybe I'll play craps" smile was "Whoa. o.o The boy is pissed off." 'Cause he does give a crap that he's dying, he just thinks that's worth shit compared to the possibility of Sam being dead. And he's just trying to have his last year be good, so he's not thinking to hard on the 'eternal torture' thing, and then Sam bitches him out for not being miserable? "I want you to give a crap that you're dying." Like Dean doesn't? Like Dean isn't aware of what he's giving up? He is, he really, really, is, he just thinks it's worth it for Sam. And then Sam acts like what Dean's sacrificing for him is something that Dean doesn't even care about all that much.
Um. Yes. Anyway. I'll just be quiet now. That conversation kind of got to me pretty badly it seems. Boyses! You and your angsty man-pain.

Oh, also, I was rewatching parts of Crossroad Blues the other day, and in CB the RED broke a contract because she was afraid of getting exorcised. So she can break some of her contracts? What, do the unimportant contracts belong to her, but the soul of a Winchester goes to her boss? I hope this gets explained. Pls to be remembering CB while writing about the RED's boss, writers! I don't want to have to fanwank about this!

Bela. Hmm. I warmed up to her a little when she suggested angry!sex (it is one of my kinks, okay? Shush) but then she started undermining Dean's self confidence in his intelligence, and seriously, it makes me so pissed off when people do that. I mean, she was being a bitch about his intelligence at the same time as getting him to break through the security system of a museum for her! Like just any idiot could do that. He is smart. She must know that. So, what, does she just get off on making him feel like crap, then? Bitch. Casey was doing it a little in 3x04 too. *resents* (And it doesn't help when the writers decide to back them up. I mean, I buy Dean not having read Dickens, but can we stop making him unknowledgeable on supernatural lore now? I mean, he's been a hunter for how long? Even if he can't give you all the details, he will probably at least recognise the phrase 'Hand of Glory' as referring to a type of magical object).

Anyway. Back to Bela. I do think she's kind of a bitch. Having said that, just because I dislike her as a person, doesn't mean I dislike her as a character. (For one thing, she was totally aware of the wincestuous UST and found it hilarious. Trufax. That's possibly the main reason I kind of like her actually. That, and she knows Dean's fucked up, and she knows she's fucked up, and she thinks they should have fucked up angry sex. Mmm, emotional issues. And also wincest. Not that the two are mutually exclusive! Yes, I spent most of the episode thinking about lazy_daze's Sam/Dean/Bela fic). I am curious to see whether she thinks $10,000 really has paid off the debt of her life, or if she behaves any differently toward them in future. And they will almost definitely behave differently towards her in the future, because I don't think Winchesters can understand willingly (which I assume is what they're thinking) killing a member of your own family at all. At least, not without a lot more explaination/justification than she gave them. So, what did she do? Does she have some kind of justification? Is she just that much of a bitch? I'd like to know. I was kind of wary at first, because this has the potential to be done brilliantly, but also to end up incredibly lame, but then I remembered I have faith in my show and so far it's always paid off. So. I cannot wait to see the interesting twist they have planned for us with Bela's backstory. (I shall probably forgive them if it's horribly cliche too, as long as my boys keep being my boys.)

Was I the only one, who, when Gertrude said "I think they had it coming, you know, in a biblical sort of way" of the Warren brothers, thought "gay incest?". I was kind of thinking winchester-victim parallel, but only for a split second before I remembered Wincest =/= Canon. And then I was sad. I guess if I want canon incest I have to go to shows that take themselves slightly more seriously (*waves at House* Although that was hetcest, and I'm pretty sure they broke up after they found out they were siblings. Boo).

Ahahaha, I knew it. See, I should never, ever, say I don't have much to say. *rambles at length*

In conclusion: This week had some great lines.

"Cute, but a bit of a drama queen, yeah?"

"How do you sleep at night?"
"On silk sheets, rolling naked in money." (♥♥♥)

"Can I shoot her?"
"Not in public." (♥♥♥♥!!)

"Don't objectify me!"

"He's playing hard to get."

N'awwww. Guys! Now the three of you need to have hot sex.

television, tv: supernatural, reaction post, squee

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