Game of Thrones 1x05
Game of Thrones 1x06
Game of Thrones 1x07
Game of Thrones 1x08
Game of Thrones 1x09
Game of Thrones 1x10
The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex
How I Met Your Mother 6x24
Chuck 4x24
Liquid Modernity by Zygmunt Bauman
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman
The next disc up in my LoveFilm queue
Leverage 4x01
Leverage 4x02
Leverage 4x03
Leverage 4x04
Some more Breaking Bad?
Some more Undercovers?
I think I'm making reasonable progress on my summer media consumption plans. Today I watched Game of Thrones 1x08 with my brother, and we're planning on watching 09 and 10 tomorrow. I don't know how I will cope after that, though, b/c I have kind of fallen in love with the show and I don't want to have to wait for another season. D: I guess what I will do is add the books to my media consumption to-do list.
Also, because it is clearly now traditional for me to do this when I make a Game of Thrones post, my favourites are currently:
1- Daenerys Targaryan (because she is a BAMF),
2- Arya Stark (because she is small and fierce),
3- Syrio Forel (because I have a thing for good teachers),
4- Catelyn Stark (because she is starting to seem like the only sensible one),
5- Tyrion Lannister (do I even need to explain?),
6- Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish (pls continue to connive, kthnx).
Going down:
- Jon Snow (I still like him, but can he please be less entitled now? He's in a shitty situation, yes, but he keeps failing to notice that everyone around him is also in a shitty situation.)
- Bran Stark (Mainly because he just hasn't been around all that much.)
Going up:
- Tywin Lannister (too new for me to have a solid opinion of, but he seems to have magnificent bastard potential)
- Cersei Lannister (IDK how this has happened, I am just starting to like her /o\ I guess she is also something of a magnificent bastard?)
- Varys the eunuch (he seems like a pretty interesting guy)
I also watched the HIMYM season six finale finally. Stop teasing me with the Barney/Robin, u guise! :(
And last night I finished reading The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex, which is a children's sci-fi story and is very fun. I think a lot of people on my flist might like it. The main character is a girl and is not white (and those are both handled in a non-faily way despite the author being a white dude). The book has themes of colonialism, but, being a children's story, it's still a pretty light read. Also, I defy anyone to read this book and not fall foreverinlove with J.Lo. HE IS POSSIBLY THE MOST ADORABLE ALIEN CHARACTER OF ALL TIME. Recommended, for sure!