Hi everyone! Welcome to the latest instalment of Theo Being a Bad LJ Friend Whilst in New Zealand. Sorry for all your posts I haven't commented on! And the comments I haven't replied to. /o\ I have been doing my best to at least skim my flist to keep up, but, yeah, I have not got a lot of commenting done.
Or made a 5x13 reaction post. Despite the fact I loved it. (With the bonus of watching it with a bunch of awesome fangirls at Couch Con. :D Hi guys! *waves*) I am probably not going to get around to writing up a proper reaction post, but I feel the need to tell you all that [HIGHLIGHT FOR SPOILERS]
I KIND OF SHIP SAM/DEAN/YOUNG!MARY/YOUNG!JOHN. OH GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. D: But they were all so endearing and lovely! IN THE CAR, AWW, AWW. Sam thinks Mary is beautiful! LOL, he had the exact same reaction to her as Dean did seeing her for the first time. I LIKE WHEN SAM AND DEAN AGREE ON STUFF. John likes it when Mary is bossy! YAY MARY TOPS. :D Also: Michael showed up! Now I can ship Lucifer/Michael and not feel weird about it! WIN. So yeah, this is not a reaction so much as LET ME SHOW YOU MY NEW SHIPS. Eh, TBH, you can pretty much just go read
wanttobeatree's reaction post if you want to know my feelings on the episode, because she says true stuff.
Speaking of Tree; TREE I AM PROBABLY NOT GOING TO SEND YOU A POSTCARD. I DOUBT I COULD FIND A POSTCARD WHICH WAS ADEQUATELY AMUSING/ENDEARING ANYWAY. On the upside, you can emotionally blackmail me with this now! Start thinking up ways to force me to make it up to you. :D?
Oh, hey, also while hanging with fangirls, I finally gave in and watched Devour. I actually honestly enjoyed (which may have been helped by fangirl comments, I admit) it right up until about the last 120 seconds. Apparently I let out a wail of rage and frustration at the unsatisfyingness of the end, but I don't remember that, I an just taking
smallcaps's subsequent mocking as evidence word for it. Still, I am glad I did finally watch it. Where is the epic fic where Sam Winchester and Jake Gray bond over the annoyingness of people trying to convince them to be the Prince of Darkness/Boy King/Antichrist?
Hello pretty shiny rumour about Jensen being considered for Captain America in the upcoming film. I am not going to get too excited about this (anyone remember that rumour about Jensen being considered for Kirk? Mmmm, tasty imaginary film casting. That was a good rumour), but it's still pretty exciting. I have decided I am going to bother paying vague attention to Captain America news. According to that rumour, Jensen Ackles, Ryan McPartlin and Chad Michael Murray are all being considered. OMG, WIN-WIN-WIN. I am actually rooting for Ryan McPartlin, because I think he'd make a great Captain America (although that'd mean he'd have to leave Chuck. DDDD: DON'T LEAVE CHUCK, CAPTAIN AWESOME! I FOUND OUT RECENTLY JUST HOW VITALLY IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO THAT SHOW TO ME. *clings*), but if it's Jensen then it'd be a Jensen film that wasn't a bad horror film (YAY) and if it's Chad then LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I WILL WATCH FOR THE LULZ.