Sooo... I have been being ridiculously uncommunicative lately. The amount of feedback I haven't been leaving is quite horrifying. I am a terrible person. D: I have been around, just not really talking. At all. *lurks like a lurking thing*
Also, I spent, like, two days reading nothing but gen. Let me tell you, having no gay sex in my life for two whole days is a strange experience for me. Although it's true what they say: Supernatural fandom has some really awesome gen fic. Gen fic sometimes kind of scares me, because IT MIGHT NOT BE ALL ABOUT SAM AND DEAN'S EPIC LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER D: D: Except having dipped my toes in the pool a little, turns out quite a bit of it is. More or less. Also, some of it is about Agent Henricksen, and I love stories about Agent Henricksen like whoa. No, I don't know why either, but apparently I am willing to take time out from admiring Sam and Dean's epic gay buttsex love just to visit the inside of Victor's head.
So I was sitting around craving a fic about Henricksen finding out, but a longer meatier fic than the 2-3k word count stuff I'd been reading (not that I don't also love that, but I was feeling for some more in depth Victor-POV) and I saw
Cops and Robbers by
ficangel (which is almost but not quite 20k) recced, like, half and hour after my cravings started (ILU fandom, you always deliver), which pretty much started me on my gen fic kick.
Then I read
My Supernatural Smackdown by B Stearns, which is a Scrubs crossover and ASDFGKLDS SCRUBS. I LOVE SCRUBS. EVERYTHING EVER SHOULD BE CROSSED OVER WITH SCRUBS. ♥♥♥ It's JD POV and it's lovely and sweet and funny and all about how Dr. Cox loves JD and how Dean loves Sam, but in a gen fic way rather than a slash way (i.e. GAY LIKE CANON \o/). Which is awesomecakes, because Dr. Cox and JD are one of those pairs who can be ridiculously gay together, and who I revel in the canon gay of, but who I mostly don't actually want to read slash about. A bit like House ans Wilson actually. Maybe it's a doctor thing. Anyway, the fic is fabulous and if you enjoy enjoying stuff you should totally read it. ♥
And then I read
Shatterglass by
lyra_wing which proved to me that I was an idiot for fearing my gen fic may not be all about Sam and Dean and their epic love. ♥
And, okay, so everything I know about Criminal Minds I learnt from skimming wikipedia for thirty seconds before I began reading this fic, but I still really enjoyed
Defect by Kikkimax, which is an almost 40,000 word long Supernatural/Criminal Minds crossover and it is awesome and delicious and have I mentioned I love the FBI storyline on SPN? I LOVE THE FBI STORYLINE. HOMG, how much do I want to see a set of serial killer profilers try and work with Dean? It would be a big awesome mess \o/ His crimes don't fit any kind of pattern! (Except for when they do!) Diverges from canon post-season two but pre-season three, so Sam's efforts to save Dean's soul have been a little jossed, but wevs. It's still good! I kind of want to go watch Criminal Minds now too.
kres wrote
That I Could Travel Light months ago, so I imagine everyone else has already read it, but if not, gogogo! Creepy and awesome and gen that is sekritly wincest except for how it's not. The boys can be confusing sometimes. Mostly I have this problems with vids (Your average SPN gen vid: a collection of clips illustrating how much Sam and Dean love each other. Your average wincest vid: a collection of clips illustrating how much Sam and Dean love each other. MY CONFUSION IS EPIC. This is why we need vid manips of the boys making out, people! How else am I supposed to know?) but apparently it is also a fic problem too, sometimes. Is this gen? Is this wincest? (Pre-cest maybe? It that even a term? Pre-slash. Except maybe not.) I CAN'T EVEN TELL ANYMORE. Whatever, either way, it is pretty damn awesome. \o/
And then I read
a bunch of Dean/Sam/Jess fics too. I don't know what it is about that threesome, but it calls to me. In fact, in Jess-Survives!AUs I can get pretty OT3. I want to see Jess being a Winchester! With all the guns and knives and incredible-screwed-up-in-the-head-ness that goes along with it. Also, Dean and Jess bonding over the fact they both love Sam into teensy tiny little bits. And then having sex with each other. While Sam watches. Yes! Normally I would be all "get your third party out of my wincest! The only important bond in the story is the Sam-Dean one! *bitchface*", but I loves me some steady Sam/Jess/Dean menage a troi fic (Normally I only accept girls in my wincest if they are transient and the hot threesome sex happens en route to Sam and Dean getting together as a couple (yes, I loves me some conduit fic. Mmm. Conduit fic.) but with Sam/Jess/Dean I don't want anyone to be the third wheel). It's fucked up and angsty and bittersweet and painful, but when it comes down it it, they all love each other into jagged broken pieces, and can never let go of each other, and just yes. (*cough* And if anyone happens to have any recs, they should totally give them to me *grabby hands* I've read Mona's Transmutation verse and vinylroad's As the Rush Comes/The Room Between/The Odd Number trilogy though. But anything other than that is fair game! *grabby*)
In other news! I was randomly poking around the nettywebs (Joss Whedon does terrible things to my vocabulary. And by 'terrible' I mean 'awesome'. And now my inner geek is amused that historically speaking terrible and awesome meant approximately the same thing. Which is actually not that applicable to Joss Whedon's effect on my vocabulary, but whatever.) and I came across a LOLcatsboys version of that picture of Jared and Jensen hugging from whichever con it was that everyone was flipping out over recently (I don't know what the con was called at all. I just know JARED AND JENSEN HUGGING AND BEING SO ADORABLE IT HURTS OMG, OMG. But I'm sure you can all identify it from that), which is
over here and makes my toes scrunch up with glee every time I think about it.
However, being the crack addled thing that I am, I am now craving fic where Jared spends an entire day (obviously not while in character as Sam, but other than that) speaking kitty pidgin. Because he loves cat macros? Because it annoys the crap out of Jensen? (Who is possibly sekritly only annoyed because Jared is far too adorable?) I don't even care what the logic is. I don't even care if there IS logic. It's crack! Logic is optional! Or possibly forbidden! Anyway, more importantly, does fic in which Jared speaks kitty pidgin exist? If so, LINKLINKLINKLINK *makes more grabby hands*, if not, I am an incredibly sad puppy. But I will cure my sadness by imagining Jared saying
this to Jensen, which makes everything ever much better. YAY JARED USING JENSEN AS A PILLOW YAY.