
Jun 27, 2003 12:01

I haven’t done much of anything this week. I’ve just relaxed.

I’ve become more aware of my own wickedness and sinfulness in the past few weeks. The doctrine of Original Sin is too often confirmed in my life, and the consequences of our first father’s sin I cannot escape. The only problem is that I feel (how I hate that word, but it’s the only adequate word I can come up with) distant from God as a result of my sins. I feel detached.

I hate what I do, and loathe myself. If people had any idea of the depths to which I despise my sinful nature, they would probably commit me to a mental hospital (but then, we live in a world where self-esteem is the most valuable thing a person can have).

As if I could be justified solely on the basis of my self-loathing...

It’s a nice clue though. The Christian’s sole hope in life is the blessed assurance that by the Grace of God, a man will continue in faith unto the end.

Sola gratia, sola fide made real...
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