Ashes to Ashes/Life on Mars creator said he was inspired by watching a guy trying to explain Lost to his girlfriend in a coffee shop.
JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS JIM KEATS WHAT. he is creepy, textured and fantastic. he's holding a dying copper, who might be martin summers (corrupt cop who seems out of place), who might be alex drake (because it's parallel week, terry is crime!gene, danny is crime!chris) saying it's ok, be quiet, it's ok, be still. not "hold on". not "fight it". not "ignore the clown".
he's like gene, but he's not like gene at all. he is, in a lot of ways, exactly as petty as gene, exactly as powerful. they speak as equals, in a way, equals who fucking hate each other. he cares. he cares a lot about chris and alex and louise, he seems to care about the police work they're doing. that makes him more interesting and more rounded and more frightening then any villain we've ever had on this show, or lom (in my brain they're the same thing any way, particularly now with the colours and music.)
shaz, pushing for promotion and staring at chris (who didn't get a shadowed nelson moment, but did beat a man on an accusation, so i'm not worried) charms me to no end. ray remains comfortingly unchanged. i'm about 80% sure they're all dead and the 80's is a kingdom of people who don't want to die yet, because they have things to do. i think gene maybe made the kingdom when he died in the 50's, but he doesn't control it, and i'm beginning to suspect jim might be a little closer to the chain of command, such as it is.
i could say lots of things about coffins and hospital beds and numbers and grafitti (!) but it doesn't cover what i really want to say. this is an amazingly well constructed show, so much thought has been put into every single aspect and i love that the love shines through.
if you aren't watching ashes to ashes your life makes a lot more sense then mine, but i'm having more fun. it's racing to an end, in a beautifully convergant way and my heart might explode when it does, but i'll have uptown girl to keep me going, so.
no, but seriously, this show makes me have herbie hancock on my itunes. there is some alchemy going down, i swear.