Timey-wimey will never leave my vocabulary.

Jun 20, 2009 21:18

While we wait for Halloween (John Simm AND Catherine Tate are gonna be there!), have my shortlist of favourite Dr Who fic. There's actually not much Doctor here at all, due to the overwhelming awesomeosity of Donna, apparently.

Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes/Dr Who (There is No) Modern Romance Hey, hey, hey, hey remember how I said they were all Alex/Gene? WELL I WAS WRONG. I LOVE being wrong. This is beautiful and clever and really in character AND CANON. Shut up, it's canon. It just is. SEASON 2 SPOILERS (sorry)

He's known her a month, helped her get a job as a typist and refused to let her organize the CID records ("They are perfectly FINE, Donna!" "I'm sure there are planets out there with tiny, tiny people who would love to go hiking on those mountains of files if they weren't such an avalanche hazard!" "You should just be glad I can't be bothered to write reports on more than a quarter of those villains I send away!" "...you don't even do your paperwork?!" It had gone downhill from there, to stop shortly before he banned her from the building forever.)

Torchwood/Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell Tales Mostly about being killed. Captain Jack and Captain Jack, but not the fun sexy times we might expect (not that there's anything wrong with that, Jacktastic sex is never a wrong thing). It's darker and lighter and more thinkery then that.

Behind Jack, there’s a skittering sort of sound, and when he turns, there are a few too many pebbles lying around behind him.

“If you’re following me,” he warns the rocks, “You will regret it.”

Catherine Tate Show/Dr Who This is wonderful, brief but brilliant, Ten and Lauren hanging out on Mars (and has actually been done, over here, in a wonderful meta skit; David Tennant deserves a medal for keeping a straight face, and i have decided that all sonnets should end with "Bite me, alien boy!").

"You lack basic social skills."

"And does that bother me? No, and neither does you crying about how you killed all your own people out of stupidness. You'd feel better if you stopped going on about how lonely you are, which by the way? You do all the fucking time."

Dr Who/Torchwood Under New Management Donna awesome-without-even-trying Noble takes over Torchwood during one of Jack's longer deaths.

Donna had Ianto make a banner that she hung in the hub, near the entrance. It read "I Will Not Activate Unknown Alien Technology" in block red letters.

Dr Who Suffragettes Martha/Jenny, and not genetic mutation Doctor's Daughter Jenny, as i thought when i clicked, but the other Jenny. I find Martha a difficult character to write, mostly 'cause i'm mad at her for falling in love with the Doctor, but this is utterly perfect, and sad, and hot.

"A regular Mrs Pankhurst, you are," Martha says, as she moves her hands lower, slower. "Now, honestly, hush."

Dr Who Stitches, Showing Through Rocco was the reason i cried at Turn Left. He was the over-cheery refugee Donna met after London got exploded, the one with the massive extended family who organised sing-alongs and was taken to a "labour camp" and now i'm tearing up. This fic is biscuits and ripples and Rocco. Oh dear.


The man bounded over to Donna, energy and excitement sparking off him, and declared, “No, chocolate will just aggravate it!”

It was probably madness to leave them alone for even a minute.

catherine tate show, life on mars, potc, ashes to ashes, dr who, torchwood, recs

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