Permissions Post

Jun 25, 2019 22:06

Calling all non-humans!

Sunshine is able, among other things, to detect the presence of non-humans or of non-human qualities. For the most part, this requires her meeting the other party face to face. She can see if a person is Other or part Other by the way shadows fall on them.

The exception is vampires. She's got a much stronger sense with them. Canonically, she can "hear" a vampire from within a building several streets away, tell over the internet whether someone is a vampire and then divine their approximate location, and kill vampires with extreme ease. Now, she won't be killing anyone. And her powers are going to be more limited. If a vampire is farther away from her than about half a block, she won't sense it. She'll be able to tell that someone online is a vampire, but not where they are.

Of course, unless you grant me permission, her powers will fail and she won't be able to tell anything about your character.

This is where you can tell me what you want Sunshine to be able to sense, and what you don't want sensed. This varies from "Please don't let her know anything about my character," to "She can know that my character is supernatural but not exactly what my character is," to "Torture my character as much as you can!"

So, input is welcome!

permissions, ooc

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