A Little Update

Jul 09, 2024 09:05

I continue to work on my music. I try to commit to an hour a day on music practice. I don't always manage it. It's more like every other day, or maybe two days on and one day off. I'm finally over the cold, so I can sing again. I am excited to go to karaoke Thursday night where I can sing something that isn't Tootsie harmonies.

Will I be expected to have all my music and harmonies memorized by the time rehearsals start, or will I merely need to be familiar with them so the MD doesn't have to teach them all to us? Are we going to be blocking these numbers right away? I can say I know most of the songs. I can hum any one of them, but memorize every lyric and harmony? Nope.

My shoulder is improving, but it still hurts. I see the improvements in different ways. For example after I took my mother to Storm King on the 19th, we went to the pool at the end of the day. I couldn't swim without pain. I didn't go to the pool for the next two weeks because of my cold. When I tried to swim again, I could do so without pain. I still can't do pushups though - not even from my knees.

I still feel like I look out of shape and flabby. I was 144 pounds this morning. I admit a lot of that is food related. I seem to have some excuse to eat a big meal or eat something less than nutritionally sound every other day. I am getting my strength back and can do certain exercises with ten-pound weights. I'm not sure how much more weight my shoulder can handle right now. I am not going to be looking hot at the beach in two weeks. Oh well. I don't go to the beach to look hot. I go to the beach to play in the ocean. I don't wear a swimsuit to be sexy. I wear it to swim. I suspect I will have an intense rehearsal schedule in August given the limited number of weeks we have to rehearse. At least that will keep me out of the kitchen for a while.

I came to a sad realization that I probably wasted money on concert tickets. Weeks before auditions (before I even considered auditioning) I purchased tickets to see Howard Jones with ABC and Haircut 100 for September 5th. That is eight days before opening night. The chances I won't have a rehearsal that night are slim. I don't want to ask for the night off after I told the stage manager I gave him all my conflicts. I swore I would be at every rehearsal once I am back from vacation. I hope I get my rehearsal schedule soon. I hold out hope I might still be able to go. I was really looking forward to this concert! If not Kevin will either have to find someone else to go with or else I have to give away both tickets.

We are also seeing John Anderson on September 19th, but that is the week between performances.

Kevin has been so stressed out with the fact that we need to pack the place up before vacation in preparation for the new floors. But it's making him proactive. We accomplished much of it already and we still have two weeks to go. It won't be fun putting it all back. On the good side, it's helping us declutter a bit. We have to ask ourselves if we really need stuff. We got rid of a pile of exercise DVDs. We had some good programs, but we don't need to use them anymore now that we stream all our workouts. I'm hoping Kevin will be willing to part with some of his books. I'm willing to part with mine. Some books I had sentimental attachment to no longer appeal to me. For example, I never wanted to let go of my Marion Zimmer Bradley books, but the more I learn about what an awful person she was, I don't want her stuff anymore.

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