Last night, I watched the movie
The Professionals, which is a sort of precursor to Sam Peckinpah's masterpiece
The Wild Bunch, in which a group of mercenaries go to Mexico to pull a job, and end up switching sides.
While watching the movie, the bottle of Jameson's and I had it out and agreed to disagree, and afterward I had fitful dreams, night sweats, and was generally miserable. So, I guess the bottle won that round...
So tonight I'm sticking with the IBC root beer, and watching
Slacker, one of my favorite films of the last 20 years. This is the film that has a character (played by a University of Texas philosophy professor named Louis Mackey[]) named
Old Anarchist, so now you know where that came from. Anyway, one of his best lines is as follows:
"I've always dreamed of pulling a Guy Fawkes on the Texas Legislature, just blow the damn thing sky high!"