Oct 06, 2009 01:24


Oh, dear. I apologise in advance. I am the teensiest bit drunk; it's awful. But I was compelled to say hello. And I'm trying very, very carefully not to make any typos. We all know what happened last time I did that. Drunk post + John Barrowman + lillyankh = TYPOS GALORE. It was highly embarrassing. I apologise if some slip through the ned. It's the alcohol, not me.

Had such a good night! I followed my very drunken roommates out (me being sober at the time) to Revs in Lancaster, and hooked up with a bunch of others and had a whale of a time. My next-door neighbour got kicked out, it turns out (although I didn't see that happen), but she's lovely regardless and I hope she gets to her nine o'clock lecture tomorrow. Mine's at ten, so I should really sleep, but I can't quite be bothered yet. You guys are more important than sleep. Plus, I'm talking to a friend on Facebook, and she has a boyfriend from Fresher's Week! Yippeee! I'm so happy for her.

I met someone rather lovely tonight, and I tried (in a slightly disorientated, tipsy way) to get his number, but he said he had a lot of other priorities on his mind at the moment, which was fine; he was one of those very genuine boys who wouldn't just blow somebody off. It was all right. The taxi driver was fucking irritating when he heard it, though. He was singing, "You can leave your hat ooonnn!" 'cause I was wearing a hat. Is it any of his business? I don't think so!

Gah. I'm talking nonsense. I apologise, again. But the hat was a stroke of genius. Everyone in the club just fell in love with it. The DJ gave me a free T-shirt because of it! Hats are brilliant. Just keep hold of them; they'll get nicked by all and sundry, otherwise.

RIGHT. Had better go. You wouldn't believe the amount of typos that would have been in here if I wasn't correcting them. Thank Christ lillyankh isn't here; she'd turn me into the typo queen!

(I miss you, Tara, by the way!)

Farewell! Do not tease me for my drunkenness. I am me. Who is good. More or less.


drunk yay, rl: uni, rl: friends

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