May 08, 2007 00:00
Reg'lar=My dad.
AIM IM with Opaik.
11:29 PM
can't sleep?
11:30 PM
well, it's only 10:30 here.
::punches self::
hmmm..self punching... a sign of sleep deprivation?
::begins flagellating back::
how you feeling?
not as nutso as the last coupla days, which is nice.
well, lie down and it will pass....whatever it is.
11:35 PM
No matter how sane I am, I know that there will be nutsiness sometime upcoming, and viceyversy
What time does for you is that find out that you can take it, no matter what happens, and tho your feelings can get smushed and your body gets quirky and you gain and lose, none of it really touches you.
it's just story
none of it truly matters.
in the moment it sucks...
that stuff is hard to remember
11:45 PM
Yeah, well, the only thing that really works is to relax. If you relax, sometimes you get a few seconds where you feel the sensation of being separate from the story. And over the years, the separation gets a little clearer, a little more vivid like a thousand watercolor brush stokes. It really doesn't make any big changes. It's just the truth. One of my favorite zen sayings is: "When the lotus is handled, the fragrance sinks into the robe."
I like that.
I'm really not saying that the story is not important. It's part and parcel of being alive. But it IS a story. It isn't you. YOU made it up.
Anyway, dear, sleep well and deep.
later. bye.
issa troof
bye dadda.
Opaik has gone offline.
be still and know god.