Nov 01, 2004 11:46

Well, we finally made it back to OVFF (after a one-year hiatus) and I had a blast. In addition to all the awesome music I heard, it was great running into and talking with some of the folks I only converse with either via e-mail or on #filkhaven.
After numerous e-mails and one disastrous (for me) convention appearance, I finally got to talk with ohiblather and hear Urban Tapestry perform;
I had several conversations with Adam from Ookla the Mok;
Finally got to meet and hear lukeski;
Likewise, Carla U's Joe Giacoio; and
I got to see and say "Hello" in person to braider, maedbh7, autographedcat, kitanzi, nrivkis, filker0, spiritdance (If I missed anyone (either there or here), please forgive me; I normally have a memory like a steel trap ... rusted shut.)

Plus, we had a chance to plug our two new CDs (see http://www.boogie-knights.org for details). Wahoo!

Hats off to the ConCom, who I think did an excellent job.
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