An update on my world.

Sep 15, 2005 14:39

My classes:

Violin Lessons: My teacher isn’t hard enough on me. I don’t think she can play all that well, and she doesn’t like the way I interpret Bach. But it’s my Bach and I’ll play it like I want to.

Piano Lessons: I am so psyched about piano lessons. I can’t wait to be able to play pieces well. I adore my teacher and she can really teach well.

Theatre 209: This is a text analysis class. So far we’ve done the Greeks (oh Oedipus) and the Japanese theatre. And the next play that we’re studying is The Tempest. I’ve been enjoying this class quite a bit, mostly because all we do is read interesting plays and discuss them.

Honours Class: I love this class with all my heart. It’s like advanced ToK, only without dense people like Kyle Lappin, or obnoxious people like Pavan. And my prof is so much fun. He’s funny, smart, and nice, and he also agrees with most of my reasoning. I have to write a three page paper for Friday, but it’s about why I have huge problems with the Christians.

Music Theory: I have only gone to this class twice. The very first day and half an hour yesterday. I have been excused from that class for an indefinite period of time. But he had me come back yesterday just to check up on my progress. He decided that I still knew everything, which I did, because after two years of sight singing in choir every day, I’d think I’d be able to sing simple solfeg. But he treated me like I was stupid. Like after eight years of classical violin lessons, I wouldn’t be able to count simple quarter note rhythms. God damn. I don’t think I’m going to like that class very much.

Innovations in Imaging: I cannot tell you how boring and terrible this class is. Dear god, it’s two hours long, excessively boring, first thing in the morning, and we sit in the basement of the library in a computer lab where I swear to God it must be 90 degrees down there. And the teacher is very enthusiastic, but very repetitive and not very engaging. But it’s tolerable and I love taking pictures which makes up for the boring parts.

My world:

I had glass picked out of my fingers yesterday. Exciting I know. But on the third or fourth day of school I was trying to put so stuff on the top of my closet. But I’m short so I was standing on my toes and jumping a bit. Well, I bumped the light bulb with my shoulder and it fell and smashed on the floor. So I was trying to pick up the big chunks of glass, but some little shards got in my middle and ring fingers. I got out what I could, but I figured that the rest would just work it’s way out, like splinters that you can’t get. Well they didn’t and so after three weeks I decided to go to heath services and get that taken care of.

Parties are wonderful. I actually have been having quite the fun time at school. Wednesday is ‘bad decision Wednesday.’ And I have the earliest classes they offer (8:00) on Thursday morning. My boring seminar is right after party night… oh dear… Well I went to four parties last week. One off campus party at this kid Blake’s house, two nights at Delta Sigma Phi with Tall, Dark, Handsome Matt who tells me that he has feelings for me. (Brief interlude. It’s strange with Matt. When he’s a little tipsy, I’m the best thing in the world. (ie, he forwent sex with a beautiful skinny girl to sit on a couch with me. And I’m SO not giving any up). But then when he’s sober, two foot no touching radius. I don’t get it.) And then Saturday the Mardi Gras benefit party at TKE. TKE had a water slide and Jon Minjoe was trying to get me to go down, which I wouldn’t do. But in retrospect, I might as well have, because he was dripping wet and picked me up, hauled me about, and then danced with me. So by the time I left, I was soaking wet anyway. Thanks Minjoe.

My roommate is wonderful. She enjoys the same type of music and comedy as I do, she is messy in the same, disordered but not a total slob, way that I am. She’s smart, funny, plays the trumpet, and leaves me cute little notes on the white board outside my door. We’ve decided that if we were Pinky and the Brain, I’m the genius and she’s insane. I put up a sticker that says “republicans for voldemort’ on our door, and she loves it. She put up a picture of giraffes in race cars on our door and she has a Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks poster up in our room. I adore my Quinn.
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