Title: In the background of true story.
Characters/Pairings: Duo/Heero
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Warnings: swearing, au, weirdness, kinda cross over (Beauty and the Beast universe).
Words: 1.435
Disclaimer: Nothing.
A/N: Dear
femaleshinigami! I wrote you your goodnight story, ‘cause you’re a whiny bitch and you need some cheering up! :* And not at all because I’m not studying today.
So, yes, other people that may wander here by accident: this is a story for
femaleshinigami, whom I promised a goodnight story. I post it here, so it will look nicer, but I doubt anyone but her would care for it :)
Once upon a time in a far away land a young prince lived in a shiny castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. But then, one winter's night an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her ugly appearance the prince refused the gift and told the old woman to go away. But she warned him not to be deceived by the appearances for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late for she had seen then there was no love in his heart. And as punishment she transformed him into hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the whole castle and all who lived there.
That's how the story of the beast begun and all knew how it ended. Everyone who heard the story around the world was enchanted with the beautiful lesson coming from the life of a selfish prince that was punished and then learned how to love, which was his hey to finding a happy ending. Rarely which child will actually be eloquent and cheeky enough to ask: why then the whole castle was punished? Did people living there needed to learn what love is all about too? And perhaps they did.
It started with pranks, which perhaps was not the most romantic beginning in the world’s history, but it sure wasn’t the worst possible option either. (That would be, by the way, being saved by the gravedigger after accidentally being buried alive. It’s not only bad ‘how did you two met?’ story, it’s also pretty awkward.)
At first said jokes were pretty simple: stolen watch, bucket of water above the door, writing in pink frosting about Heero’s love life on his clothes. The pranks actually made others laugh more than they amused Heero. (Well, except the pastry-guy, who got blamed for the frosting incident. He didn’t find them very funny. But then, he rarely expressed any amusement at all.)
You see, Heero was in charge of the people working in the castle. Or at least that’s what he believed. To tell you the truth, prince Chang had two people in charge of his servants. There were many theories why is that. One said that simply, there were too many people in the castle to be ruled by one man. The second was that prince was extremely doubtful of people’s motives and simply couldn’t trust just one man. The most probable - and I can tell you that most truthful - one was the option number three: it simply amused him to watch two men constantly fighting for power.
It should be pretty simple: Heero was in charge of people working on castle, Duo was in charge of people serving the prince and his guests. In practice there could be no less defined division possible. In the end both men ordered maids (though they preferred to take orders from Duo) and both of them ordered the kitchen team (though they preferred orders from Heero). In the end they both ruled the whole castle and were in each other’s way. So to be honest, theirs relationship started with fights. But then a) it isn’t a good start b) it wasn’t really a start of that.
That, as I said, started with pranks. And this beautiful, annoying and funny part of it morphed into something else, when it was Duo who was met with the bucket of water falling from the above when he opened the door. Then the war begun.
Pranks, war, fights and arguments are not really good for your health. They tend to make the strong feeling build up in a person and that never ends calmly. Everyone assumed that unavoidable fight down finally happened when both men disappeared and one of the maids could swear she saw them in one of the rarely used rooms in the west wing. Everyone decided some domination for the week was decided and that two men were fighting over it. The rumpled looks just made them believe it so much stronger.
They were obviously wrong, of course. I mean, not totally. Some dominance was set for said week and they looked pretty rumpled. But they were fucking and not fighting, which probably explains why this particular plot line was cut out of the story for children.
That was the second part of the story of Duo and Heero. And now it was not about the pranks (which still happened because some men just can’t let things go) nor about specific confessions. They were about fighting. About pressing another man to the wall in some deserted place and showing him who really sets rules around here. The funny fact is, usually they switched who got pressed against the wall every week. But they never set any rules about that. They always fought for it. Pushing, touching, biting and licking. And yet the winner switched regularly every time they did it. Thank Merlin Freud was not yet born then, so no one tried to tell both men they’re doing it subconsciously.
You see, neither Heero, nor Duo, were really stupid. (Although they got fooled others to think that some times.) And I’m sure they would eventually figure out it’s not all about who fucks whom this week. Of course, it was taking them awhile, but you shouldn’t judge them by that. They were pretty young and they really enjoyed the simple, just fucking period of theirs relationship. And if you enjoy something really much, you don’t really pay much attention to thinking how could you change it.
Perhaps that’s why the spell hit them just then. And made the situation so much harder for them. Because it isn’t so simple to stay in “just fucking” relationship with a clock. Or, you know, a candleholder. I mean, everything ticks like it should and it can get really hot, but besides some bad puns, it’s not really very amusing. Actually, it’s pretty shitty.
And for the first time in a long time both men finally agreed - it was shitty. But what could they do? Apparently theirs prince was a dumb moron, who never heard one good kid’s story and angered a witch. It’s not like they could leave him now, even if they’d want to. (Which they didn’t.)
The pranks were much smaller now, but they started again. Probably because the fucking had to end. And Duo sometimes thought this spell was supposed to teach them, it’s possible to be just friends. He was quite surprised, when Heero actually found much better lesson in it.
They were watching the stars, lying close on one the balconies. Not too close though, since Duo didn’t want to set his now wooden companion on fire. He talked quietly, sharing his theory with Heero, who actually had a nerve to snort at him.
“If anything,” he said in a monotone that somehow still echoed with tick-tacking rhythm, “it was supposed to teach us that we can enjoy each other for more than simple, delightful as it was, pleasures of flesh.”
“Yes. But it’s quite pointless, since the spell is not about us. And whether we realize we’re in love or not, it doesn’t really change a thing.”
Duo blinked slowly.
“Well, it kinda changes.” He said slowly. “You are really stupid to think otherwise.”
Heero stared at him intensely, the hands of the clock moving on what was now his face. “It won’t brake the spell.”
Duo let out an exasperated sigh. He levered himself on his brazen arm, looking down at Heero.
“Who gives a fuck? We’re under it anyway, we may as well learn something important. Not to mention, it really sucked to be just friends.” He stared intently on the clock laying next to him, that once upon a time was his very hot fuck buddy. “Which doesn’t change the fact that the moment we change to human, I’m gonna fuck you through mattress.”
Heero gulped.
“Or anything that we will land on,” he added.
“Yep,” smiled Duo brightly. “And man, but will we have the happy end to tell stories about!”
And they did. But, you know, not really. Since it was way too hot and porny to actually end up in the original story. But they didn’t really minded. Because they were in love and having lots of awesome sex. And also they lived happily ever after.
The End.