Feb 13, 2006 19:33

I was going to send you all a message individually, but then I got lazy. So here goes.

I want to thank each and everyone of you musicians of No More Stereo, New Tomorrow, Holy Rolemodel, Furlong, and We Attack At Dawn for allowing me to use you for my advanced photo final project as well as my portfolio. I know I kinda only informed NMS about my project, which includes me taking pictures of your band, obviously, for my personal use, along with me giving you guys copies of the images via email. Which I know I still need to email many of them to you guys....

Anywho, I have taken many images, over 1000 images, good and bad. This project has been kinda time consuming, expensive, overwhelming, YET LOADS OF FUN... and i really want to thank you again for that, making it fun. I also want to thank you for letting me be a pain in your ass with my camera. It has allowed me to become better friends with many of you, a goal that I was hoping to obtain, and I can say that I have.

I am working with the images that i fill are the best that came out, and although i don't feel like this project is done, what i have is what i have. So now, I will be working on the web site, chandrafarnham.com, to host all these images for my portfolio and my final project. Don't you worry I will inform you when the set is live. Im super excited and you should be too.

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