(no subject)

Jul 08, 2014 01:37

Wow, Under the Dome, that was one really badly written episode.  If that's indicative of the rest of the season, I'll have to take a powder.

Remember that show, Harper's Island, I tried to talk you into watching a few years ago?

6 Reasons Why Harper's Island Needs to Come Back

I have no hopes it'll come back, but maybe you'll watch it this time?  It's available on DVD and Netflix streaming, and just happens to be awesome and fun and perfect summertime viewing.

In fandom news - I know, right, fandom news?! - apparently I missed a kerfluffle in one of my LJ communities over the holiday weekend!  That makes me sad.  Is it sad that that makes me sad?  Whichever, it does.  I miss fandom, I really do.  I feel so disconnected from it these days.  It's not on the Y!Groups.  It's not on LJ anymore. - Remember when LJ was the usurper? - Where is fandom these days?  Yeah, yeah, I know, DW, Tumblr, etc. etc.  But, from my perspective, fandom seems so spread out these days as to be virtually and functionally non-existant, at least in the forms I enjoyed.  I miss the discussions, the involvement of so many people, the almost daily fic postings, heck, even the kerfluffles.  And just when there is one, I miss it.  ::sigh::

ETA:  Er, there be Harper's Island spoilers in the comments, now.  Is it necessary to warn for spoilers for a five year old show?  For this one, I think, yes.

fandom, harper's island, tv, television

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