
Oct 29, 2007 16:54

I got out of class today and had a 45-minute interval between the end of class and the beginning of my advising session. I have to admit that I spent the entire time creeping, reading people's LiveJournal Entries from years ago, and it was utterly fascinating. Especially the people whom I haven't known forever, and therefore didn't know at the time they wrote those entries. So, I'm sorry, friends, for creeping on you. It gave me this strange sense of something like nostalgia, but for situations in which I had no part. Sometimes I found myself wishing I had taken part in those events. Is that totally strange and creepy? I'm sorry if I creeped you guys out, but at least I'm being honest. I promise I won't stalk any of you.

In other news, my ears have been ringing for four days now. Non-stop. It's high-pitched and it's beginning to drive me mad. I don't know what's causing or whether I should go to the doctor or not. I feel silly, but the sound of silence is deafening me, and I have this strange fear of going deaf (perhaps due to the many surgeries I had when I was little, all with the sole aim of making me not deaf.) I don't know how it would be related to the medication I just started taking, but maybe that's it. Either way, it feels like this constant deafening high-pitched ringing that won't stop and that interferes with hearing other things. It was especially annoying during the listening comprehension portion of my Japanese test today. I have a fan constantly going in my room just to give me a little bit of a break. Jeeeebus.

More news: my hands are so jittery these past few days that I can't even put in my earrings. I know it's the Wellbutrin, and I'm hoping my body will adjust to it soon because that makes me feel insane too. I don't want to be the kid who shakes all the time and says "I can hear it. Do you hear that ringing??? Don't you HEAR it?!"

I'm not sure what possessed me to enter all of this, and I apologize because it's whiny and uninteresting. But, hey, you read it, so fool on you!

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