May 09, 2016 10:11
It’s amazing to think that I love Utena now even more than I did when I was young. It could be because this was the first time I watched the sub version all the way through, and so close together, or an expected greater understanding of the themes and materials as an adult. Either way, Utena tops out my “favorite anime ever” list alongside Madoka.
Though it’s a little disconcerting to realize that I think I understand the Utena movie. Like…what even happened to my brain?
I decided to finally give Ikuni's other anime Penguindrum a shot as well. I love penguins, and I love Utena so...
I'm on episode ten and sort of confused. We shall see!
(I'm trying to become a "better" anime fan and actually watch some stuff and get myself out there...and hope I don't run in to too many Sword Art Onlines. Shudder.)