Apr 27, 2015 16:37
I've gotten pretty bad at updating. (Or, if we're honest, I'm *always* bad at updating)
So the low-down, in a handy-dandy list form:
-Working at the bank is kind of stressful lately, but I'm permanent at the home branch now. Which is what makes the job stressful.
-Ideas for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle human-reimagining costumes are brewing. My group is Bex (Donatello), Kailyn (Mikey), and Joe (Raphael). The idea came about when, for fun, we realized we kind of fit the character archetypes relatively well and from that thought we ran with 'Group Halloween Cosplay!'
-Work on the original novel has slowed considerably since I started the new job, but I'm still making headway. I've approached the last fourth of the story, I think, and I'm about three hundred pages in. Once I've completed my first draft I'll be doing a month to two month long edit of the entire document, turning it over to Bex to edit, then editing a final time before seeking an actual publisher! It's kind of exciting. (I also have a few ideas for the upcoming original things that are haunting me.)
-Fanfic is also calling to me. As in, I want to write some. It's not a good idea, of course, because I haven't had a lot of time to write in general at this point, but the idea to do a novelization of Mortal Kombat is disturbingly high. Or that Fire Emblem Elice fic I've had planned for two years. Or maybe the Chiaki fic from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne I wrote notes to out in like 2009.
-I got Mortal Kombat X for Joe and found myself far too invested into the story than probably 97% of the players of the game. D'vorah is a cool lady, though, and I'm still pretty ballin' with Kitana. (As I am in all games) Though the lack of even a mention of Jade (outside of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo at the end of Kitana's arcade ending) makes me sad. My ship! My ship needs love! (Also, this fandom has like no fic)
-I've been replaying the Arkham series in preparation for Arkham Knight. I finally finished Origins on Hard Mode. Which, let me tell you, is friggin hard. A lot of it is the bosses. The lack of a counter prompt on already tough enemies, such as Copperhead, Deathstroke and Shiva, make some battles more complicated than they need to be. I did finally purchase and start the DLC Cold, Cold Heart which is my first time playing through this story. It's enjoyable so far- my favorite part was playing as Bruce Wayne in Arkham Manor at the beginning- and afterwards I'll be switching systems to the 360 to play Arkham Asylum.
-Supposedly Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman will all be playable in Knight? If this is true, I am very excite.
first south,
real life,
fire emblem,
original fiction: the black witch,
mortal kombat,