I've come to a decision. I'm tired of lacking the confidence to pursue my desires. I don't want to work at a 40 hour a week job my whole life. I want to write. I want to be published, and write full-time. I want to operate a blog and generate a little revenue off of it, but I want to blog about something fun that I'm passionate about. I want to start the Youtube review channel I've been planning out, but hesitated due to various issues (need better video software, I'm too fat to be shown on camera, etc)
I want to look into doing voice work again. I don't currently live close enough to any major cities that handle voice over work, but I can definitely research and plan out some goals.
That's how I want to live. And so I'm going to do it. I'm going to focus on this book and get it finished then find an agent. I'm going to continue looking into Blogging details (currently looking at Hostgator), and I may even save up for a better webcam. On the side I have been working out for about twenty minutes at work on my breaks combined. It's not much- around 200 calories- but I am happy to be active. I am trying to eat better. I haven't jumped on the Weight Watchers wagon, but I've been slowly cutting some of the fats from my diet. I want to look and feel better.
I hate my job so much that going in has started making me physically ill. Like, my stomach lurches when I hear the phone beep and I have someone yelling about how GE sucks, and this and that, and of course the choice phrases (some of my favorites being):
"This appliance is only 2-12 years old! This shouldn't have happened!" (It sucks. Deal with it.)
"I have a lemon!" (No. No you don't. Lemon laws only apply to appliances in certain states, and they way GE handles your repairs falls within all those guidelines!)
"I'll never buy GE again!" (Who cares?)
"I've been a loyal GE customer for so long, but this issue is making me rethink that." (Then you must not be very loyal if one issue in twenty years is enough to make you drop a product like it's hot.)
"I hope GE will stand behind it's product!" (You're out of warranty. You are not getting a free unit. Suck it up.)
I've been proactive and applying like mad to a bunch of clerical positions listed on Indeed.com.
Making a change in my life all around, for the better!
(Of course, I'm still goofy ol' me playing Tales of the Abyss ahaha)