well, alright then, come on in.

Oct 08, 2007 14:51

Things I want:

Long beautiful roads to run on free of traffic and pollution.
Fall weather, all the time.
A big comfortable bed.
Soft pillows.
A clean kitchen.
Alex close by.
Tons of artistic talent.
Time to do nonacademic things to make me feel like a complete human.
Most other humans to disappear (or)
Humanity to suck less profoundly.
Lots of animal friends.
A good nights sleep.
Enough money to live a life like this.

It is a simple list, really. and YOU should be doing YOUR part to suck less profoundly. Every little bit helps. And please, for CHRISTSSAKE, stop fucking talking. Really. The time has come to stop.

Nursing Diagnosis for Humanity: Failure to thrive related to greed, apathy and patriarchal white supremacy as manifested by...
let's be honest. as manifested by EVERYTHING.
every patient's story. every chart with its need and orderly lines and its impressively detached lingo. By "h/o TBI secondary to physical abuse c 2x4 age 3" and "early family positive for sexual abuse age 2" and "pt. c/o SI, admitted following attempted hanging by shoelaces in public bathroom." and "multiple instances of sexual abuse to sisters witnessed by pt."

Fuck that. fuck acting like things aren't related. fuck trying to summarize that kind of trauma with digestible abbreviations. fuck English 401. fuck the nursing department. fuck rent. fuck groceries. fuck food. fuck it. I've got 8 more months until I can be a person.

So, self-care plan:
Take a nap.
Hug Cait.
Drink a glass of wine.
Bake a cake.
Play world of warcraft.
Go for a run.
Pet Bogart.
Research egg donation as a source of income.
Get through the next 72 hours.
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