Jul 06, 2009 15:20
[Deven, it seems, has managed to acquire his own PADD, and has usurped a seat on the observation deck to work on it. Anyone who cares to get close enough will notice that he appears to be working with a disturbingly large amount of numbers and symbols, add some background in mathematics or science, and he is working on a long and complex equation. An advanced knowledge shows him to be attempting to create an equation, writing it up, deleting it, trying again, deleting portions he doesn't like, rewriting those, deleting the entire thing, starting from scratch, and so on. He is quite focused and there is some food that it seems he carried up here sitting next to him. Doubtless it has gone cold by now, but apparently he had intended to eat while he worked- which hadn't exactly worked out.]
kat: jimena t. kirk (2258.45),
pink: lorna forge (2258.42),
beth: deven lanford (2373),
kat: nia harness (2258),
holmes: zed dawson (2258.55),
[location] observation deck