Nov 08, 2004 17:46
I really resent the people who like to lord it over you when their candidate wins over yours. If Kerry had won, I would have been happy, but would not have called/im'd/otherwise bugged my Republican friends with feelings of superiority. Evidently other people are not this considerate, however. On Wednesday after the election some girls drove by me, saw my Kerry-Edwards sticker, and started screaming and honking and holding up their 'Viva Bush' signs. Very mature, girls. How they didn't get their asses kicked driving around doing that in Davis, I don't know.
Also, today, my answer to my "when to remove the bumper sticker" quandry was answered. Somebody ripped off the 'Edwards' half of the sticker. Really, no point in leaving half of a sticker on. But that kind of made me mad too. I mean, is that necessary? Vandalism? Whatever, its just stupid. I wish people didn't feel like they needed to act like that.
I do want to thank all of my Republican friends, however, who were not obnoxious about the election on Tuesday, including those who backed off when I asked them to do so. I appreciate that guys.