Nov 06, 2008 16:22
I'm tired. I'm trying to keep a happy thought about the future and really not succeeding. I need to stop reading the news for a while I think. And before anyone else says it, yes, there were things to be pleased about from the election. I just need to move past prop 8 and try to see the more cheery side.
I guess I am failing at my resolution (Was it this new year's or last?) to try and look at the more positive things in life.
The solar guys still have one last bit of work to do. It shouldn't take them but a couple hours, however I can't seem to get an answer as to when they will be back to the house to do the work. We're so close...
Dance class tonight. It's weird not having been to class in two weeks. Between the trip, the weddings and the election that seems like a lifetime ago.
I find that I'm sad that I didn't sign up for NaNoWriMo this year. I know, I know, I already have way too much on my plate right now to worry about churning out 50,000 words, but I need the kick in the butt to get me writing.
I need sleep and time alone. I wish I hadn't just taken a bunch of days off work because I could use a few more.
current events,
random babble