
Aug 03, 2010 10:59

That's where I am right now.  In a state of good-ness.  It's still a roller coaster and I'm starting to feel a teensy bit like I need a just a carousel, but I'm still liking it.

So let's see.  What's been going on??

Going waaaay back to the day of the Dave Matthews Band concert...that day, I took a half day off work.  I pulled into the garage and when I got out of the car I heard a teensy mewling meow.  Upon searching, I discovered a teeny black kitten all set up with food, water and a litter box in a big tub we use to bathe the dogs.  Upon texting C. with a "wtf, kitten?", I learned he found the little guy lying in the middle of the road that morning.  He pulled over to get him off the road, thinking he was dead, but alas, he lived!  Cute as a button, we named him Blacktop in honor of the place he was found and he entertained us for the next week. The following Friday, I went to feed him, and found him in the final stages of dying!!  He seemed to be choking, having seizures and he died under our hands.  Of course, we were broken-hearted.  Then a neighbor told us she found an adult, black female cat dead in their driveway without a mark on her and wondered if it was our kitten's mother.  Then, a relative suggested that since the kitten was having seizures, we have it tested for Rabies, which was REALLY scary since we both had gotten a good dose of the kitten's saliva during its death throes and had been nuzzling it and messing with it for the past week.  Of course, this was a Friday.  We dropped the remains at the testing lab Friday night and then spent an anxious weekend and most of the day Monday, waiting for the results.  Which were negative, thankfully.  We still don't know what killed the little guy.  Perhaps he had been hit by a car and had something internal going on that took a week to kill him.  Who knows.  But it was sad.  RIP little Blacktop. At least we had you for a week and you had some love in your short life.

Vacation was very lazy and relaxing.  Much consumption of nom nom food and intoxicating beverages.  Much reading of trashy, bodice-ripper novels.  Much napping on the beach.  Was able to have a very nice lunch with a former colleague from my NJ 4-H days.  Very nice to see her.  So all in all, a good week.  Got a little tired of the Fam by the end of it.  Kind of glad that we aren't going to do a "family vacation" again for a few years.

THEN!  To end my vacation on a veerrryy nice note, spent Saturday evening with M.  Yummy.

Work continues to  I am still living out of boxes and got moved to another temporary room.  It's becoming tiresome.  I am disorganized and out of sorts.  Can't find anything.  People can't find me.  I have a big audit coming up and just feel like I can't get ready for it until I have some semblance of organization around me.  The office furniture is SUPPOSED to come next week.  Please, please, please!!!

At home, all is peachy.  The patio and deck project is complete and we are enjoying it very much.  Now waiting for the hot tub!!!  That should be delivered next week.  Squeeeee!!  We've been working to bring this house to completion for five years now.  We are very close.  Yes, I realize you're never really ever DONE with a house.  But at least we're almost to the point of having no major projects on the horizon.  The living spaces are almost to the point we envisioned.  Time to party!!  Still need some landscaping and some window stuff will come in due time.

C's back is giving him trouble again.  Ugh.  I feel so badly for him but there just isn't anything I can do for him other than put up with his "bear with a thorn in its paw"  demeanor.  He is CRANKY.  I can't blame him.  Constant pain is a bitch.  He doesn't think it's a disc again.  The pain is different, more muscle this time.  I hope it will work itself out.  Meanwhile, it's rough - on both of us.

In other men news, I haven't seen Sweetie since mid-July and that was just for a quick lunch.  He's been putting in 80+ hour weeks at work.  So that sucks.  But hopefully we'll have a chance to reconnect soon.  Miss him.

So, with all of that said, I can say, for the most part, that I am in a state of goodness.  I have a job that drive me crazy but at least I have one.  I have a wonderful home.  I have three great men in my life who only drive me crazy some of the time.  I need nothing and want nothing else.  That is a really good place to be.

Oh wait, there is something I need.  I need an idea for a good Halloween costume.  The criteria are as follows:  I would prefer something with a long skirt or flow-y pants.  As I am the party hostess, I need to be able to wear flat or low-heeled shoes.  I just can't do very high heels.  I don't want something extremely form-fitting.  I am 5'8" and am carrying around some extra poundage in areas that aren't very flattering (stomach and thighs).  In the past I have done Elvira, Medusa, and a vampiress.  I was leaning toward a devil-woman this year but so far can't find a costume I like.  I also was looking at doing The Matrix' Trinity but I'm afraid I will melt in the vinyl coat while I'm carrying out my hostess duties.  It will have to be something I buy, as I don't sew.  I've been looking in vain for the Counselor Troi dress (Star Trek: Next Generation) she wore in the 2nd and 3rd seasons I think.  It was a green dress with an assymetrical neckline.  I suppose there's some kind of licensing thinger on it that it's not available as a costume.  So, if anyone who attends cons and such would have a source, I would appreciate it.  Any other costume ideas welcome too. 81 days to our party!!!

And that's it for today...

missing my sweetie, nom nom food., vacation, halloween, random stuff, family, audits, i can haz happy, naner = happy girl!!!, polyamory, irritations, love, open marriage, concerts, crankiness, clothing, relationships

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