all that is, all that was (and all of it for him) Ten2/Rose, implied Nine/Rose and Ten/Rose, PG
It’s after a particularly trying day and in the middle of a rather fantastic row that Rose yells at him that’s something along the lines of, “You know what I don’t understand?” and he responds with a sarcastic, “What don’t you understand Rose?” which
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Thank you for making something so painful, that induces me yelling at the silly silly beach scene, so full of win.
...and now I've totally bunnied myself for a second fic based after this one :P goddamnnnnnn
And then I just HAD to look at the photos again. >_<
But I agree completely... its this nice little bookend that says "See. See Rose. See Rose with the Doctor. Roll credits." but there's so much pain at the end. The one thing I will never get over?
He didn't say good-bye.
It slays me.
He didn't say good-bye.
THIS. YES. Although, I think it might have just killed him if he'd ever actually had to say it to her. Just...gah. It's one of those double edged swords isn't it? Because I think it would have helped Rose maybe, you know to hear him say goodbye (like Sarah Jane in School Reunion)? But it would have absolutely destroyed the Doctor to have to say it - just like he couldn't tell her that he loved her. Ah words...they have so much power.
But goddammit, he turned around and *didn't look at her* and *didn't say goodbye*
I'm not not writing an essay, but I am not sleeping for work. Of course, I'm also just streaming X-men and not writing. XD
Can we be internet friends now? haha ;)
Oh Doctor.
LOL, well done you. Sure we can be internet friends! The more the merrier I say :D
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