
Mar 22, 2010 01:00

 A word on the health care debate, since it seems it's the road to being a reality...

The data alone is overwhelming:

We need universal health insurance and care reform in this country. That article doesn't quote Fox News Polls or CNN polls or Gallup or USA today or any other BS. Studies have already been done by the National Academies, the World Health Organization, the CDC, and several universities. If the data doesn't jump out at you (like it did to me), how about the following facts:  "the United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage",  "medical expenditure was a significant contributing factor in 62% of personal bankruptcies in the United States during 2007".

The statement by Warren Buffett, that any normal, middle-class citizen is only a major illness away from bankruptcy...that's scary. I could be diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, possibly be denied by my insurance, have to pay out of pocket, go bankrupt...then...idk, live in a box and die of cancer I guess.

And here, we're seeing the SAME political argument that's been around since 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt ran under the progressive party that advocated health coverage reform. It's been thwarted by people on both sides of the political spectrum ever since.

My view: While I am glad that some reform looks like it's about to be pushed through, it's just that. This thing has been pushed through It's highly likely that the plan won't work as smoothly as it does in other countries. The opposition to this has been really crippling. Mostly because the Republicans are throwing out any attack they can find. The issue is (and has always been) individual responsibility vs. taking care of the "less fortunate". And that's fine, it's not a black and white thing. But to just denounce the president as a "socialist" just because of this makes no sense. We aren't operating under a strictly lazzie-faire system here. There's plenty of "socialism" to be found in modern America: anti-trust laws, minimum wage, social security, medicaid, WIC, unemployment benefits, welfare, etc etc. Are these systems prone to corruption and in need of some re-tweaking? YES. Have they caused America to become some type of horrible communist society? NO.

Know I've never been all political here before, but this is one of those big debates for our generation, thought I should contribute. And now, a little humor.

Foolproof logic as to why we should be against this reform bill:
Healthcare is going to make healthy people.
Perverts are people.
Perverts are bad.
Healthcare is bad.
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