How do I begin?
As a writer of fanfiction for going on two years now, I've been aware of fics that are posted on LiveJournal, but I haven't really wished to bother learning how to go about doing the same. If you're reading this post... means that I gave in; I'm going to figure out how to post my fics here and join the LiveJournal masses.
All my fic at the moment is Gossip Girl, Chuck Bass, and Blair Waldorf centered. I will begin by posting fic that has already been published on my other home,, and then post new updates as I write them. If you've been reading my chapter story on that site, you will find no new updates here that aren't on the other site, as I plan on using both.
Hopefully everyone will be willing to be patient with me as I learn how to use this new tool.
The post immediately following this one will be a blog that I wrote awhile back about the poem that inspired my journal title as I like to give credit where credit is due.
Welcome to my world and thanks for reading!
- Beth