I utterly smote it. Top percentile out of a rather large sample size. I answered questions she didn't expect me to, and the hardest questions for me to answer ('when have you ever had conflicts with an employer or fellow employee, and how did you resolve it?'...how exactly does one answer that when most of the conflicts you're involved in are beyond your control?) I had answers for. The interviewess was so interested in me being with the company that she gave me hints at what to use from my record to impress the next level of interviews, which is presumably the End Boss. I can't remember the exact questions, otherwise I would list them, but this is probably the second best interview I've ever had, and it's a sure shot that I'm going to be hired, imho, now.
And bonus; they don't care if I'm a musician/blogger/free software developer, since I'm not actually "creating" anything as a technical help person(we'll see about that).
"The guilty don't feel guilty, they learn not to."