So I got my
census form today. You see, I hadn't recieved my census form yet; I think they were assuming that a) I did not live where I do(reasonable), b) I would prefer to fill it out online anyway(reasonable). So I don't fault them for not delievering me my form, and being confused a month or two later when I havn't sent the form they didn't send me to begin with back to them.
So sometime last week I got a little card on my door saying 'you forgot to fill your census' (due in like april), which is more or less true; I would have filled it out had I recieved the form, but I didn't recieve the form initially so I asked for one.
A census worker came to my door today; she gave me half of what I legally require to fill out the census; the forms. I did not recieve the envelope to mail it back. This is significant and I politely demanded that I recieve one. She asked me to call census HQ to have them mail one out to me, since she was "out" of forms. I found out at this time that they aren't even paying minnimum wage (although they are paying per house, so it *might* end up that census workers will make up to even 15$/hr if they work hard enough, but regardless; this is the canadian government, and canadian government workers; if anyone deserves to be paid minnimum wage it's government workers. What does SGEU think of this?); So why exactly should I trust her with my census data? If she's working for that wage, I see no reason why she won't take my census form, and sell it to choicepoint, or citigroup or the NSA or something for spare cash. I mean really, if you had a job and were making that much money and some group offered you 100$ for your bag wouldn't you go for it? At least when you're making enough to survive (read: minnimum wage these days, it's pretty high really), you have the incentive to think 'hrm, I'll get fired and I won't be able to feed my family, mabye I shouldn't do this' whereas if you're *already* at the point where you can't feed the family there's no reason why not to accept the bribe for your data. Secondly, who the hell is this census worker that I should trust so much that they would have my private data? I'm pretty open with my data, but why should I trust them? I have people around the world who want to kill me and my family; Why should I trust that she's not one of their agents, or at her wage not being paid by them?
So anyway, I called Census Canada, and they agreed to send me an envelope, so I don't have to pay for sending my census form in. It was kind of funny talking to some poor french chick who didn't know offhand what a
genepool was :)
Update 1
The census worker dropped off the envelope, which means I should fill it out.
I hope I don't spill coffee on it, as papers in my apartment have a history of being spilt on. :)
Update 2
The census worker came by this morning while I was asleep. I have no idea what I said to her but she was right pissed off and I was in no mood to talk to anyone outside of my parents, who were expected to arrive any time.
As expected, I filled out my census (since I do respect StatsCan, and hold no personal information so priviledged that they shouldn't be privy to it), although I accidentally spilled coffee on it. Multiple times.
Its drying under the fan as we speak. Tonight I will call the census to ensure there is no harsh feelings, although somehow I doubt at 3am that they will be awake. Tomorrow morning, assuming that the census is dried, I will mail it, although I might fold it into a paper crane first.
Update 3
The census is filled out, complete, and under a Creative Commons licence. I will mail it tomorrow morning and call the census people informing them of my doing so. Too much philosophizing, not enough french, imho, but I tried.
Update 4
Mailed! It's now for Census Canada to fight with Canada post about, or something!