Last Night's Dream
It all started when I was trying to go to sleep. I tried to think of a
positive future and how I could get to it. I thought of a committee of 100ish geeks around the world, commissioned to build a
We were moderately successful. We built a lego engine the size of a building to start off with that built other lego buildings using spare bricks and an engine, and another that built engines and spare bricks and a third that built itself and the one that built engines as well. And an mp3 player for good measure.
It was clear that lego, although plentiful in denmark, wasn't going to carry us through the project and we started to get into microtech. We chose such massive , inefficient computers so as to allow the computers themselves to improve on their own design, and to give them experience in doing so. We built the smallest typewriter and fixed it with a computer that had a weak-ai program running on linux so it could be programmed to build things. The project was a success; We went from 1st generation(self printing electronics, requiring human beings to make the design and to put the design into a plastic case) typewriters to 2nd generation(a machine that made electronics, plastic cases and tools, with an expansion set that allowed the creation of a gruellike substance and other basic organic things) just about anything could be built.
We got some press time on slashdot and CNN, but outside of the few keeners keeping their eye out, nobody really cared so I bussed back home.
While I was bussing, I noticed that a good part of my chest was itchy. I looked down, and pulled my shirt up abit, noticing that I had my very own 386sx box complete with a small monitor implanted into my chest. But how? It was by sheer miracle to me.
Praise be Server! I yelled. Other people on the bus thought that I was weird.
We continued by bus home to regina, and we stopped at the regina inn. We were unloading stuff. I went into my apartment while they were unloading the bus. Aparently I was living in a shit-hole slum-apartment with
meirionwen and we together
[to be continued]
My apartment felt...different.
back at home in saskatoon somehow.
I'm with my parents
I still have that 386sx, and my parents have their television. They were watching the hockey game. I plugged the video output from the TV into the video in from my 386 and
voila! I was suddenly in a 2D world that is Hockey Night in Canada! But with no sound. I could see my parents living room, but it was as if there was an entirely new viewpoint given to me to see; an entire new side of my mind had simply been turned on as if by a light switch.
I unplugged, and that part of me dissapeared
I tried the audio; and sure enough there was plenty of cheering and what you'd normally expect to hear from a hockey game.
(Turns out it was freefloating nanites that had given me the computer; they were a few generations down from the original Typewriter that I built, and had come searching for one of their creators.)
I decided to go home. It was about this point where I realized that the nanites had gotten into the 386sx and completely rebuilt it into an iPod Nano like device, very small, 15GB ram, large hard disk, effectively putting me ahead of the technology curve.
I make my way back to my apartment, and I wander through the apartment.
The apartment isn't quite what I remembered it as. It went from being a total and utter shithole to showing signs of significant wealth; Firstly, all the suites were interconnected; you had to walk through one to get to another, and so on and so on. The first suite had canned food, LOTS of canned food. Canned food that would rival safeway. I went to the next apartment; This one had a fireplace and a fair amount of books. I went to the next one.
It looked partway between my parents basement in 1997, a mad scientist laboratory, and a music studio. It was Wendy Carlos' studio! In my apartment! ! I had to go visit.
So there she was, playing one of three organs arranged nearby her.
I sat quietly nearby..although I almost knocked some little kitch figurine.
meirionwen came by, and started chattering
I was like "shhhh...!! *points to Wendy carlos*" she doesn't stop, but we kiss and she goes into the suite.
At this point I'm noticing that my midsection is stinging;
Turns out that my nerves have been directly interfaced into the iPod-thing, and the nanites made the wires a little too short, and concequently I cut my skin open from the iPod thing (where my left nipple should have been), down to halfway through my penis, in a tear-cut style. It stung. For some reason my midsection at this point was naked, but somehow there wasn't any blood (the nanites?)
So I talked with Wendy Carlos, and it turns out, Dipshit was her new roommate. The DJ from Western Pizza(name?) appeared from out of nowhere and we walked around in regina, discussing him, and how he was part of a gay-bar houseband wearing some skimpy skimpy costume, playing 'blow' music (as opposed to rock, techno or rap). Total asshole, anyway.
So I make my way back up to my apartment through this changing world, and I look up; It's the independance day spaceship!! But luckily, I'm starting to realize why. The nanites! Of course! nanoscopic machines built from much larger microscopic machines built from small machines built from machines built from machines built from the original Typewriter, or some derivative thereof. They had gotten inside my memory, after attatching the computer to me, and were remaking my local world in my image. I felt proud, and very accomplished.
So I try to buy a CD from wendy carlos, and am unsuccessful for some reason.
You know, if it really was a 15GB ipod, we're talking about single atoms, or things smaller than atoms holding bits here. Quite impressive huh? I don't think we'll see those anytime immediately soon without serious AI improvements.
In the meanwhile, come play
chess with me. I'm "fej".