May 01, 2009 18:01
I can no longer really find a way to justify actively discriminating against US / Chinese made goods, services, etc. It used to be so clear that a dollar spent in their markets meant 4-5$ of spending, making their respective empires larger, and allowing their evil to expand, say
But I have too many American (and for that matter, chinoise) friends, and most of the ways that our respective countries were different have been worn away with time. The democratic institutions in Canada are weakened and barely used, china *has* democratic institutions that work almost as good as ours(Even if us westerners don't know so much about them), and possibly giving chinese citizens *better* say than Americans. The money velocity of CAN/US is on the floor, china and the US, and Canada and the US have functionally merged into a sort of symbiotic relationship, economically wise, and all 3 of our countries, when it really comes down to it, are warlike, and torture at will. And all 3 countries both use, and are nominally trying to cut down on slavery within their borders.
There are differences between us, make no mistake, but at this point it isn't really much I can justify the 80% or so discount I'd require from doing any business from either the US/China. We are going to all have to work together from now on.
the united states,
global financial crisis