Late night sillyness

Oct 25, 2011 00:58

Ok, there is ONE major problem here...
(Damn all the Grindenlore ff!)

Your result for The Harry Potter Husband Test...
Mrs. Dumbledore

Your perfect HP man is Albus Dumbledore.

You like 'em powerful and brilliant.  And why not?  A guy like this, you can have intelligent conversation with, laugh with, and you know he can protect you.  Sure, he may have a weakness for power, but he's got that under control.  And sure, he let his sister die, but he learned from that.  And sure, he harbors a secret, forbidden love for a man widely known to be his mortal enemy, but...well, no, that's actually a pretty big obstacle.  Good luck with that. 
Take The Harry Potter Husband Test at HelloQuizzy

he quiz is fun, you have a lot of options, including Mad-Eye Moody and Bill Weasley, but beware! There is a Dudley Dursley hidden somewhere!

quiz, english, harry potter, fun

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