DW "Turn Left"

Jun 21, 2008 19:18

Okay, Rusty, I'm ready for you -- Bring It On, Brother!

Firefly? What? You've come back to me? OH BLESS YOU! Oh, no, wait, there's the Doctor.

Ah, they're having fun. That's nice, until everything goes to hell. I'm sorry, Donna. I'm so, so sorry.

"Tell your fortune, lady. Your future predicted, your life foretold." Oh, no, avoid that. Spoilers, and what.

"You've got red hair. The reading's free for red hair." Heh, and run Donna, run.

"I see the future. Tell me the past." Well, way to be creepy chick.

"It's the incense." Or, the insect, as it were.

"HC Clemens is in the city. It's nice. It's posh. So stop it." Heh.

"When was the moment, when did you choose?" Ack.

Wow, I loathe Donna's mum. I loathe most of Rusty's mums -- yeah, yeah, we know this. "City executives don't need temps, except for practice." Wow, ouch, bitch.

"Make the choice again, Donna Noble. And change your mind. Turn right." ACK CRITTER!

Okay, I admit it, I grinned a bit goofy when I saw "And Billie Piper".

"It's like. It's like there's something I can't see." Look, Donna, you've got a spooky friend, too. You and PC Andy would get along fab.

"Come and see! Just look at the sky! It's a star! A Christmas star!" Sounds ... ominous.

Ruhroh! Racnoss.

"That's not a star. That's a web." Still clever, even after going right.

"There's a great big web, star thing shooting at people and you're looking at me!"
"There's something on your back." *shudder*

Okay, clever until the whole running towards the big web, star thing shooting at people.

Hooray, tanks. I love a good tank.

"We found a body, sir. Over." :( "The Doctor is dead. Must have happened to fast for him to regenerate." D: But, yay UNIT!

Rose! "I came so far." :(

"I was just passing by. I shouldn't even be here. This is wrong. It's wrong. This is so wrong." That was a Doctor thing to say.

And she's gone. That was interesting.

"That's weird. Funny sort of clouds." Whoops. Bye Martha. :(

11 minutes in and Rusty's killing me. And everybody else, apparently. Brutal, lad. Brutal. I like it, though. You know, not just the difference the Doctor makes, but the difference his companions make. I mean, obviously that's the point, but I'm just saying I like it.

"Cliff. I'd leave you my mouse mat, but I'm worried you'd cut yourself."

Wilf! Hi granddad. How's that whole adopting me going? "Rhinos, could be aliens." Heh. Ya think?

"Honestly, you two. There's aliens on the news. They took that hospital to the moon, and you're banging on about raffle tickets." Donna had to get her sharp and pointy from somewhere.

"There's keen eyes up there, and they're watching us, and they're not friendly." You tell 'em, gramps. The Doctor would love you. If he weren't dead, or sommat.

NO! You killed Sarah Jane, too? Oh, Rusty, you bastard. Who you gonna kill next? Is Peri still knocking around somewhere? Tegan? C'mon then.

"There was this woman, who took control. Said she knew what to do." Bless Sarah Jane. :(

Granddad's taking Sarah Jane's loss hard, too. Wait, wait, wait! Maria and Clyde, too? And something about Luke, but I can't hear. Oh, yeah, him, too. Harsh.

Rose again!
"What was that? Fireworks?"
"I don't know. I was just walking along. That's weird." Heh.

"What's your name?"
"How you doing? You're looking good. How's things? What you been up to?" Smooth, Rose. Heh. And, it's not polite to stare at the creepy critter on people's backs. At least, that's what my mom always told me growing up.

"People keep on doing that -- looking at my back."
"What sort of people?"
"People in the street. Strangers. I just catch 'em sometimes staring at me." gah.

"What you doing for Christmas?" Heh again.
"What am I what?"
"Next Christmas. Any plans?"
"I don't know, that's ages away. Nothing much I suppose. Why?"
"I think you should get out. You and your family. Don't stay in London. Just leave the city." Subtle. Subtle and smooth. Things not to learn from the Doctor, see: Subtle and Smooth.

"Can't afford it."
"Well no, you've got that raffle ticket."
"How do you know about that?"
"First prize."

"For god's sake, don't tell them we won it in a raffle. Be classy." Ugh, shut up, mum.
I love granddad's antlers. Hee.


"This is not a hoax. A replica of the Titanic is falling out of the sky, and is heading for Buckingham Palace." Ouch.

Ack, mushroom cloud over London. Not happy. "That's everyone. Every single person we know. The whole city." Nasty.

"And now France has closed its boarders." Well, that's not very polite of the French.

"C'mon. You're not going to make the world any better by shouting at it." I love granddad.

"Good family. Good kids ... except that one." Heh.

"What about the bathroom?"
"Nobody lives in the bathroom." Heh. He's awfully jolly, isn't he?

"60 million people have dissolved into fat, and the fat is walking." That's ... both stupid and pretty hilarious.

And the bee thing. Well, we've got 'em here, Rusty, maybe they're just on holiday, too.

"Refugees. We haven't even got a vote. We're just no one, Donna." Er, why don't you have a vote? London turning radioactive doesn't make you not citizens, right? That seems gratuitously wretched.

Hee, okay, nice recovery from the excessive despair with the songs. Bless granddad and the jolly man's spirits. Ack! Gunfire. Oh, ATMOS. Wait, wait, wait, so ... the global economy, is, I imagine, shit, and has been for a while, and yet, the cars are upgraded to ATMOS?

Ohhh, and granddad lays into the soldier. "You call yourself a soldier? Pointing guns at innocent women? You're a disgrace. In my day, we'd have had you court-martialed!"

Rose returns to the sounds of the Bad Wolf music.

"Can't anybody stop it?"
"Yeah, they're trying right now. This little band of fighters, onboard the Sontaran ship." Rose sounds like she's seen an awful lot.

"And that was?"
"That was the Torchwood team. Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones -- they gave their lives." *checks two more off the list* "And Captain Jack Harkness is transported to the Sontaran homeworld." Because Rusty wrote himself into a corner with Jack, and can't actually kill him. But if he could, you'd better believe he would. "There's no one left."

"You knew him?"
"Did I? When?"
"I think you dream about him sometimes. This man in a suit. Tall, thin man, great hair. Some really great hair."
"Who are you?"
"I was like you. I used to be you. You've traveled with him, Donna. You traveled with the Doctor on a different world."
I really like Donna and Rose's interactions. It's pretty awesome. So, you know, I just keep quoting and not commentating, because, well, I can't really add anything, can I?

"He needed someone to stop him, and that was you. You made him leave." :(

"Something's coming, Donna. Something worse." Great.

"I've been pulled across from a different universe, 'cause every single universe is in danger." She's been pulled across -- by whom or what, I wonder.

"What do you keep telling me for? What am I supposed to do? I'm nothing special. I mean ... I'm not ... I'm nothing special. I'm a temp. I'm not even that. I'm nothing." Man, Catherine Tate is rocking this scene.

"Donna Noble, you're the most important woman in the whole of creation." And Billie's rocking it, too. Hey! Can we have a Rose & Donna (they fight crime!) spin-off? I'd be there, yo!

"I need you to come with me."
"Blonde hair might work on the men, but you ain't shifting me, lady." Hee.
"That's more like it." Hee again.

"You'll come with me. Only when you want to."
"You'll have a long wait, then."
"Not really. Just three weeks. Tell me, does your grandfather still own that telescope?" That was very Doctor, too. The spouting out of apparent and unsettling non-sequitors.

"Cause when you come with me, Donna. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but you're gonna die." And with that, she fades out. Poor Donna. :(

Goodbye Mr. Jolly man. "England for the English." Oy. "They can't send us home, the oceans are closed. They build labor camps." Ugh, and oy. Watch out for the Rusty anvils. Mind your head!

"Stop it before I kiss you too much." Aww, I like Mr. Jolly man and his indefatigable spirit.

"I suppose I've always been a disappointment."
"Yeah." UGH!

"I always imagined, in your old age, I'd have put a bit of money by. Make you comfy. I never did. I'm just useless." Right, Rusty, you haven't kicked Donna hard enough, yet. C'mon. Some more!

Ruhroh! The stars are going out. "Oh my god. Donna look. The stars are going out."

Rose is in with UNIT? Interesting.

"I've told you, don't salute." Hee.
"Well, if you're not going to tell us your name." She needs a vague title, then, doesn't she? Something with a "the", I think.

Hey! It's the TARDIS. I'm glad I rewound, I missed it the first time. (and, um, then it becomes key, so ... Hi, I'm observant.)

"I've crossed too many different realities. Trust me, the wrong word in the wrong place can change an entire causal nexus." Hello, Doctor Jr.
"Uh ... she talks like that. A lot." HEE!

"Is it awake?"
"Seems to be quiet today. Ticking over. Like it's waiting." Hi, TARDIS. Pretty girl.

Rose's look as she's waiting for Donna's reaction to the TARDIS is awesome. HA!
"No way."

Oh, poor girl. She's all dark and sad inside. :(

"What d'you think?" Show off. :)
"... can I have a coffee?" Heh. Nice reaction.

Aw, Rose pets the TARDIS and it purrs for her.

"He was a Time Lord. Last of this kind."
"But, if he was so special, what was he doing with me?"
"He thought you were brilliant."
"Don't be stupid."
"Well, you are. Just took the Doctor to show you that, simply by being with him. He did the same to me. To everyone he touches."
"Where you and him ..."
And Rose changes the subject. Oh, look, a critter, wanna see?

I want a Rose and Donna spin-off! Can I have one for Christmas, Uncle Rusty? I promise not to say anything snarky about you for at least a couple of years if I get one. PROMISE. I'll even pinky swear.


"What is it?"
"We ... don't, uh, know."
"Oh thanks." Hee.
"It feeds off time, by changing time, by making someone's life take a different turn."

"But I never did anything important."
"Yeah you did, one day that thing made you turn right instead of left."
"When was that?"
"Oh, you wouldn't remember, it was the most ordinary day in the world."

Ohh, Donna's not taking this well. I mean, hello, who would? More props for Catherine Tate -- she's freaking amazing.

"No, there's more than that. The readings are strange. It's like reality's just bending around you."
"Because of this thing."
"No, no, we're getting separate readings from you. And they've always been there, since the day you were born." Interesting. And I really love Rose here. I love that she's still Rose, but such a long way from that shop girl we first met. She's had a life, she's traveled, she's seen things, and she's learned, and she's clever and confidant and ... It's fantastic.

"I thought it was just the Doctor we needed, but it's both of you. Doctor and Donna Noble, together, to stop the stars from going out."

Blimey, poor Donna, she's just torn apart here.

"What can I do to get rid of it?"
I love Rose's smile. "You're gonna travel in time."

"This is to combat dehydration." LOL dude, LOL.

Rose built a time machine. Well, that was clever of her.
"It's a time machine."
"It's a time machine." I love these two.

"How'd you know it's going to work?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, we, we don't. We're just ... we're just guessing." Hee.

"I understand now. You said I was going to die, but you mean this whole world is going to blink out of existence, but that's not dying, because a better world takes its place -- the Doctor's world. And I'm still alive. That's right, isn't it? I don't die. If I change things, I don't die." Wow, lousy poker face, Rose. She knows entirely too much. That's got to suck.

"This Sutton Court. I'm half a mile away." Whoops. Better leg it, Donna.

HOLY SHIT! Donna ... oh, how amazing are you?

"Tell him this. Two words." Hmm, 'Bad Wolf', you reckon?

"You were so strong? What are you? What will you be?" ... creepy!

"Changes a life in tiny little ways. Most times the universe just compensates around it. But with you, great big parallel world."
"Hold on, you said parallel worlds are sealed off."
"They are, but you had one created around you. Funny thing is, seems to be happening a lot ... to you."
"How'd you mean?"
"Well the library, and then this."
"Just goes with the job, I suppose."
"Sometimes I think there's just way too much coincidence around you, Donna. I met you once, then I met your grandfather, then I met you again. In the whole wide universe, I met you for a second time. It's like something's binding us together."
"Don't be so daft. I'm nothing special."
"Yes, you are, you're brilliant."
Yeah, I'm just transcribing, but I have nothing clever to say in the face of this fantasticness here.

"She said, the stars ... she said the stars are going out."
"Yeah, but that world is gone."
"No, but she said it was all worlds. Every world. She said the darkness is coming, even here."
"Who was she?"
"I don't know."
"What did she look like?" Mmmm, the quiet intensity in his voice. nomnomnom
"She was ... blonde."
"What was her name?"
"I don't know."
"Donna, what was her name?" More intense, edging into desperate. mmmmm
"But she told me, to warn you. She said two words."
"What two words? What were they? What did she say?"
"Bad wolf." YAYZ!
And the Doctor's OFF AND RUNNING! Holy shit, eveywhere. Not too subtle, there, bad wolf.

Uh oh! Cloister bell. End of the universe. Welcome to your finale, Donna. Buckle up, sister, this is gonna hurt.

HOORAY! I loved that vastly. It was made of awesome and fantastic with sparkly sprinkles of excellence. Well done, Rusty! I forgive you for last week.

doctor who

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